Turn Coat A Novel of the Dresden Files
Accused of treason against the Wizards of the White Council, Warden Morgan goes in search of Harry Dresden in a desperate attempt to clear his name and stop the deadly punishment from taking place in this latest thrilling addition to the Dresden Files series.

Vampire angst... we are back into it. Actually, I feel like I've read this whole book before. Maybe that's because Butcher keeps recycling his old plot devices. Scary monster on the loose, egomaniac puppeteer pulling strings in the background, Harry gets someone killed, Harry can't get a break with women (though he does finally get laid), White Council being dicks, massive battle in the finale that doesn't resolve much... and still no Black Council spotted. Seriously, even the final location is the same as in book 10 - Lake Michigan island. The only cool, new idea was the awesome and unique battle style of Injun Joe. Still waiting for the plot to move along. Hell's bells, Jim, get it together! Another mindless fun Dresden book, otherwise.

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