
I just finished Tyed and it was such a great intro to LJ Shen’s books for me because I know how angsty she goes. Which I personally love but before I dove in I wanted to get my feet wet. Tyed was perfect for that. Blaire, the non “it girl”, who is used to being over shadowed by her super model twin didn’t expect to catch the eye of the force that is the up and coming champ Tyler Wilder. Going through life and school as it may come she had no idea what her passion was but she did know that passing the journalism assignment she was handed on MMA left no option for failure. Ty will do anything to get where he needs to go. The top. No other option. Women didn’t matter and love was no where within reach. Never had been. Except he can’t control the growing fascination he has for the spitfire with blue tipped hair that had the balls to get caught smoking in his gym parking lot. By the end of the book both of them not even know their true passions, they find out what love, loyalty and forgiveness are in the best way. I think it’s safe to say that I’ve not only been “Tyed”, I’ve been “LJed”.