Introduction to Integral Calculus

Introduction to Integral Calculus Systematic Studies with Engineering Applications for Beginners

An accessible introduction to the fundamentals of calculusneeded to solve current problems in engineering and the physicalsciences I ntegration is an important function of calculus, andIntroduction to Integral Calculus combines fundamental conceptswith scientific problems to develop intuition and skills forsolving mathematical problems related to engineering and thephysical sciences. The authors provide a solid introduction tointegral calculus and feature applications of integration,solutions of differential equations, and evaluation methods. Withlogical organization coupled with clear, simple explanations, theauthors reinforce new concepts to progressively build skills andknowledge, and numerous real-world examples as well as intriguingapplications help readers to better understand the connectionsbetween the theory of calculus and practical problem solving. The first six chapters address the prerequisites needed tounderstand the principles of integral calculus and explore suchtopics as anti-derivatives, methods of converting integrals intostandard form, and the concept of area. Next, the authors reviewnumerous methods and applications of integral calculus,including: Mastering and applying the first and second fundamental theoremsof calculus to compute definite integrals Defining the natural logarithmic function using calculus Evaluating definite integrals Calculating plane areas bounded by curves Applying basic concepts of differential equations to solveordinary differential equations With this book as their guide, readers quickly learn to solve abroad range of current problems throughout the physical sciencesand engineering that can only be solved with calculus. Examplesthroughout provide practical guidance, and practice problems andexercises allow for further development and fine-tuning of variouscalculus skills. Introduction to Integral Calculus is an excellentbook for upper-undergraduate calculus courses and is also an idealreference for students and professionals who would like to gain afurther understanding of the use of calculus to solve problems in asimplified manner.
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