
Umbertouched by Livia Blackburn 2.75⭐️ - not anything special - tbh I don’t remember book 1 that well - the writing was??? Fine??? - Solid bittersweet ending tho

I love when a sequel to a book I love is just as good! I absolutely loved Rosemarked, and Umbertouched jumped right back into the action. The character development is wonderful, the way that Dineas has to live with the double lives he lived was perfectly written, and my heart broke for Zivah as her health worsened. Do I wish the ending was a perfectly happy ending? Yes, but that would have been unrealistic. I love the ending these characters got because it was open-ended while still sticking the the story line established throughout the two books. Nothing coming out of left field in order to allow the characters the stereotypical happy ending which I am really grateful for. This book was amazing, and I can't wait to read the series again and again.

I should have reread the first book before reading this one. I think I would have loved it more then.