Uncle Tom's Cabin or, Life Among the Lowly

This is one of those classics that was so hyped up that, when I finally read it, I was pretty underwhelmed. Not to say that it's not an impactful story, but it's just far more tame and reflective than I thought it would be. I think, if I hadn't already read Roots by Alex Haley, I would be greatly impressed by this book. As it stands, I was too aware of the fact that it was a white woman telling an African American slave's tale to a predominantly white audience.

I was surprised at how relevant this book feels to modern times. The characters and situations are about slavery but many of the words and sentiments are still being used today to justify other things that today’s culture doesn’t treat as obviously immoral as slavery. Quotes like these will stick with me: “What sin Emily? You see yourself we have only done what we were obliged to do.” “...instead of being an actor and regenerator in society I became a piece of driftwood and have been floating and eddying about, ever since.l

actually a 3.5! cant bring my thoughts together enough for a review currently.

What an amazing book, the ending ugh it killed me. So glad I read this piece of American Literature. The only thing I didn't like was how characters had the same names. That made it a bit confusing at times, but overall a great novel.

An absolute must-read for anybody interested in the history of slavery in the United States. Although fiction, this is one of the most powerful, damning pieces of literature I’ve read on the topic and is absolutely heartbreaking in several places throughout the story.

The first book to make me cry. Incredibly woven tale of a beautiful friendship.