

Q. B. Tyler2019
It only takes one moment to change the course of someone's life.One moment to link two souls forever.That moment came when I pulled her out of her darkest hour.The tragedy that threatened to swallow her whole and shatter her innocence.Save her.Protect her.Love her.I vowed.Ten years later, my vows are the same.But I'm differentShe's differentWe're different.And the feelings threatening to break free have the power to destroy everything.I'll stop at nothing to keep her safe, but what if the very thing she needs protection from...is me? *This book contains elements of taboo and is intended for mature audiences.
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Photo of Alisha Grace Santos
Alisha Grace Santos@alishamentos21
5 stars
Oct 5, 2022

Sooo hoooot and steammyyy! And soooo taboo!!! My kinda booook

Photo of Nikki Jay
Nikki Jay @readwithnikki413
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

⚠️Warning: This one took an unexpected turn. Read the book in order to form your own opinions. Unconditional is a taboo novel with an unexpected ending. I understand that this is not for everyone. But if you're interested in this book, I highly recommend it. I'm so taken with Q.B. Tyler's writing that I'll completely forget I shouldn't be rooting so hard for this couple, but one part of my brain says Ohhhhh 🌶🌶🌶, while the other says ick ick stop it! But I wouldn't change anything.

Photo of Logan Chisholm
Logan Chisholm@loganslibrary
5 stars
Apr 19, 2022

unconditional was the first “taboo” romance i ever read, and even though i’ve read wayyy more of them than i care to admit publicly now, this one remains in my top 3 favorites of all time. it's one of the very few books that make me believe in soulmates. while this book might not be for everyone, if you are even remotely interested in the world of taboo romances, this is the best place to start. no one can convince you that a couple is made for each other quite like QB tyler can. cal, a young police officer, rescues maddie from a murder/suicide scene when she is 7. she has nowhere to go so he takes her in. while i was hesitant at first about this plot line due to the big age gap and the fact that he raised her, by the end of the book QB tyler had me full on believing in fate and convinced that cal & maddie were soulmates. 1000/10

Photo of Kadisha
Kadisha @paperbackpassionista
4 stars
Mar 25, 2022

If you do not like taboo romance…RUN! If you have a problem with a guardian having a romantic relationship with the person they raised…RUN! If you have an issue with them crossing the “line” before she turns 18…RUN! ★★★★/5 🌶🌶🌶 /5 Blurb In My Own Words: This story starts off with a 23-year-old Cal responding to a homicide-suicide call where he finds 7-year-old Madeline hiding in a closet upstairs away from where her father has killed her mother and himself in the living room. After Cal convince Maddie to come out of the closet, she attaches herself to him and doesn’t want to leave his side. Cal doesn’t have to heart to give her up and send her into the system, so he decides to become her legal guardian and raise her. Fast forward 10 years and a lot has changed including feelings between the guardian and the almost legal dependent. Review: This story is very angsty and full of inner person turmoil. I really appreciated that there was some inner turmoil with both main characters on what to do with their newfound feelings for each other. Most times these taboo romances get caught up in their sexual tension between the characters that they come off as insta-love. In my personal life I know this is not something I would approve of, but it was nice to see the inner working of the mind of someone in this situation. Also, I was able to see how they could come to the conclusion of sub coming to their feelings for each other even though the relationship will be widely frond upon. There wasn’t much of a plot to this story aside from deciding what is right and wrong when it comes to two people loving each other. The part that had me slightly conflicted during the book is the flash backs. Often times during Maddie’s POV, she would remember a time that Cal helped her or was there for her when she hurt herself or when she was scared. Most of these times were when she was a child! So, switching back and forth between their relationship when she was a child and their new romantic relationship kind of sent me through a head trip. Because let’s be real, Cal was putting in the work on her, but my mind would travel back to her memory of Cal teaching her how to ride a bike. (Slightly cringy!)

Photo of Emma B
Emma B@bookishlifeofems
5 stars
Mar 24, 2022

Taboo at its best! honestly, wow. I have no words. this book was so good! most people would assume this is very taboo & it may be, but holy cow!!! not to mention Cal sounds, I wish he was my superhero too!!!

Photo of Mariam Mohsen
Mariam Mohsen@mariammohsen
4 stars
Mar 18, 2022

4 unconditionally forbidden stars.. that book was just, pretty good, took me less than a day to finish it, so wonderful.. really injoyed the story, and it was the first from the author and won't be the last

Photo of Batool Zainab Suleman
Batool Zainab Suleman@biteswithbats
2 stars
Feb 15, 2022

I expected better QB Tyler is a great writer, and I'm a fan of the taboo romance subgenre, but this book just wasn't it for me. Slight spoiler . . . . . . I wish that Maddie had been older. Like early twenties. Her being seventeen just didn't sit right with me. I've read the Off Balance series (new version) where the FMC is sixteen in Georgia (Georgia's age of consent is 16). But reading about a 17 year-old in Oregon, it just wasn't right. I would have liked it a lot more if Maddie was 20-22 and visiting from university when Cal and her did stuff. Something where they have time apart and it doesn't feel eerily adjacent to grooming.

Photo of Yaneli | @aquariusbookadventures
Yaneli | @aquariusbookadventures @aquariusbooks
3 stars
Jan 13, 2022


Photo of Jessica Clem
Jessica Clem@itsmeejessc
5 stars
Jan 27, 2024
Photo of Gabriella Lanouette
Gabriella Lanouette@developergab
4 stars
May 5, 2022
Photo of Leandra
4 stars
Apr 5, 2022
Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer
3.5 stars
Mar 27, 2022
Photo of Mallory Mayfield
Mallory Mayfield@malmayfield18
4 stars
Aug 29, 2023
Photo of Nora
5 stars
May 5, 2023
Photo of Ademola Omolola
Ademola Omolola @ademola1203
5 stars
Apr 20, 2023
Photo of Elisa Almonte
Elisa Almonte@boozybooknooks
5 stars
Mar 15, 2023
Photo of Anna
Anna @annalou908
2 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of Claudia Franzese
Claudia Franzese@clo16
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of Kadi Frease
Kadi Frease@kadi
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of Vesselina
5 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Anna t
Anna t@annalou98
2 stars
Nov 2, 2022
Photo of Matilde Correia
Matilde Correia@matildeac
3 stars
Oct 30, 2022
Photo of Ashley Patane
Ashley Patane@ashleypatane
4 stars
Aug 24, 2022
Photo of Ivory
Ivory @ivoryrose98
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022


Photo of Abigail |
Abigail | @acozyadventurer

His lips cut mine off with a kiss so scorching I want to rip my clothes off. I begin to move again, to match the movements of our mouths. "I'm right there with you," he whispers against my lips.

Page 80

Oh my god, this is so bad but so good too.