![Under the Dome](https://assets.literal.club/4/ckr1vr0f41pt801crq0mz13ug.jpg?size=600)
Under the Dome
![Photo of Matt Eaves](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_20.jpg?size=100)
New favourite book I’ve ever read ???
![Photo of Sarah Sammis](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cluknexdl00s60i2x6dwbagqf.jpg?size=100)
![Photo of C Fernando Maciel](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/clsjoelxc00dr0i0i4jg70s16.jpg?size=100)
I'm going to give it 4 stars. I love Stephen King. It wasn't different with under the dome. But, I don't think he ended up really well the plot. Still, very much worth it the reading! I'd recommend to anybody!
![Photo of Sercan Y.](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_15.jpg?size=100)
Uzun zaman sonra okuduğum Stephen King'i yıllar önce bıraktığım gibi buldum. Hala içinde heyecan, gizem, gerilim barındıran; sahici karakterler ve kurbanlarla dolu kitaplar yazmaya devam ediyor. Bu kitap önceki okuduğum kitaplarına nazaran artık olgunluk dönemine giren bir Stephen King'i müjdeliyor. King, Amerikan toplumuna ve yaşayışına her kitabında keskin eleştiriler getirirken "Kubbenin Altında" da buna devam ediyor, ek olarak bunlara politik alaycılığı da ekleyince Chester's Mill özelinde topyekun bir Amerika eleştirisi yapıyor. Zaten hep sahip olduğu sade ve sürükleyici üslubu ile okuyucunun elinden düşüremediği bir kitap ortaya koyuyor bir kez daha.. Hikaye tipik bir Amerikan kasabası olan Chester's Mill'de geçiyor. King, bu tarz Amerikan taşrasında geçen hikayeler anlatmayı çok seviyor; bu kasaba hikayelerinden bolca politik eleştiri çıkarırken diğer yandan muhafazakâr Amerikan toplumuna alaycı hatta çoğu zaman mizahi bir bakış atıyor. Kitap Chester's Mill'in üstüne çökerek bir anda dünya ile bağlantısı kesilen kasaba sakinlerinin hayatlarını devam ettirme çabasını anlatıyor. Kasaba sakinlerinin başlarına gelen felaket karşısında gösterdiği tepki Amerikan halkının ikiz kulelere yapılan saldırı sonrası verdiği tepkinin bir alegorisi gibi..Amerikan halkı Irak savaşına giden yolda nasıl Bush'a destek verdiyse Chester's Mill sakinleri de kubbenin inmesinden sonra ikinci üye Rennie'yi destekliyor. Rennie tipik bir Demokrat lider gibi kasabanın uğradığı felaketi fırsata çevirip bir yandan kasabanın hakimiyetini kazanırken diğer yandan yasadışı faaliyetlerini ne pahasına olursa olsun örtbas etme çabasına girişiyor. King çok karakterli bir hikaye anlatıyor bu epey hacimli kitabında..Aslında King, kitaplarında az karakterli, geçmişlerini peşlerinden sürükleyen insanları anlatmayı daha çok tercih eden bir yazar. Bu anlamda diğer kitaplarından farklılık arz ediyor. Ama yazar Amerikan halkını adeta bir sosyolog titizliğinde gözlemlediği için karakterlerin fazlalığı kitabı sıkıcı hale getirmiyor. Kitabın sonlarına doğru Kubbenin sırrı ortaya çıkmaya başladıkça biraz hayal kırıklığına uğradım açıkçası.. King kitaplarında daha önce rastlamadığım ahlaki mesaj verme kaygısını rahatsız edici buldum. Kubbe sırları ile ortadan kaybolsa yada işin içine uzaylı çocuklar girmese çok daha iyi olurdu bence..Bazen gizemli olaylara verilen cevaplardan ziyade bu olayların sordurduğu sorular çok daha manidar olabiliyor. Bu fırsat kaçırıldığı gibi verilen cevaplarda okuyucuyu ne yazık ki tatmin etmiyor.. Sonuç olarak yazarın, anlattığı hikaye ile ilgili bazı tercihlerini beğenmesem de başarılı ve keyifle okuduğum bir kitap oldu. Stephen King'in "Medyum", "Sadist", "Christine" gibi klasikleşmiş kitapları ile kıyaslamam zor ama iyi kitaplarından biri olduğunu söyleyebilirim..
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
Oh wow, where should I start.
Stephen King is one of my most favorite authors since I’m 14 and under the dome made me remember why. The way he tells stories, describes his characters and his choice of words is truly unique. I loved the humor and the portray of the madness of men and I think I rarely came across that well-written villains. The plot was intriguing, sometimes shocking and partly so realistic, that I started praying we never end up under a dome in real life.
This book is an intimidating and freaking heavy brick. It sat on my shelf for seven years, I tried to get through it four times and never made it past page 200 and honestly I never thought I‘d ever finish it.
Don’t ask what made me pick it up and give it another try - I don’t know, I‘m a mood reader and sometimes feel just drawn to books. I set myself daily page goals around 170 pages per day this time to keep myself motivated, but often ended up reading way more than that. Because even if it’s that big, it doesn’t feel like it. What makes this book huge is the insane number of characters and subplots - I‘m a tad conflicted if all of them were really necessary. Especially because the "big reveal" and finale was in contrast too short and shallow in my opinion. The story is built up over that many pages and we are left with .. that? Really? Apart from if the conclusion made sense or is a good one, I‘d at least have liked more details and screentime.
Nevertheless it was a very exciting and thrilling page-turner. For sure no comfort read, but something to get lost in.
Give me two last seconds to rant about the tv adaption - that thing should not exist. It’s a shame.
![Photo of Shay Henrion](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl7di3x69003d0jx46jmmehtk.jpg?size=100)
after a few days rumination, i have decided that i really, REALLY didn't like this book.
![Photo of Bianca](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl6tzx6kr007m0hvuguiiftzg.jpeg?size=100)
Longest. Book. Ever.
![Photo of Sian Wadey](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl6qn8q8n000p0hylhmjw7ra4.jpeg?size=100)
** spoiler alert ** As King's newest, and probably biggest, book I was a bit unsure about it. People always say his older stuff is better. But I must say it's one of my favourite books. It takes a while to get going in terms of relating to characters, but the excitement begins straight away with various characters and animals getting killed off due to the dome descending. This was a great opportunity for King to do what he does best, show human emotions. Don't be put off by the side. This book is an incredible page turner, something I couldn't put down.
![Photo of Charles Siboto](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl6qe1oq500100hym8s0kcfdg.jpeg?size=100)
Thus far I'm hoping that it's as good as The Stand, though it's hard to top an antagonist as sinister as Randall Flagg. I've read about a quarter of it and I really enjoy the manner in which SK sets up the drama and I'm looking forward to how the major characters will evolve.
![Photo of Cams Campbell](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl69mb7ot004j0juncmj631jm.jpeg?size=100)
Just finished the audio book of Stephen King's latest novel. It was very enjoyable, but I feel empty afterwards. Good entertainment but does not feed the soul. A throw-away page-turner. The concept was very clever and the characters were wonderful and deep, as Stephen King's characters always are. That's what kept me going I think. If you've enjoyed other Stephen King novels, chances are you'll enjoy this.
![Photo of Bruna Pereira](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_15.jpg?size=100)
I loved this book sooooo much. The twisted mind the human being can have in certain environments is unbelieveble, and you can see a hole lot of that in here. The plot in this book is one of the best one I've had the pleasure of reading. This is a good part to say that this was also my first reading from any work Stephen King wrote, and I can't wait to read more of him. Don't know if this story can even be toped from how great it is, but it sure is worth the try!
![Photo of Irina](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cky06s9xh003b0hv29pobfzlh.jpeg?size=100)
Was a little hard to keep track of the many characters in the beginning of the book and remembering who’s who. Started out a little slow but definitely picked up in the second half and got more interesting. This is the kind of book where you want to punch most of the characters because of how much they piss you off, but a very well written book.
![Photo of Danijel Gajan](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/ckxrc53ot00100hwi8svwed1k.jpeg?size=100)
A breathtaking and deeply moving story about the human nature, both good and evil. This book has kept me awake until the small hours night after night. I just couldn't let go. Brilliant work!
![Photo of Melissa Deitrick](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/ckw8pzgmy000c0qta12uv1yvh.jpeg?size=100)
This is the book that has finally made me realize I don't care for Stephen King's writing style. The droning on and on and building up characters over 5 pages and their backstory to just kill them off a moment later to not be referenced afterwards... You can't say King doesn't character build well but I personally think he over-builds. To me, it feels like back in grade school filling in a 500 page essay with fluff and fillers to get to the word count. After 4 of his novels, I'm officially giving up! As for the book itself, I REALLY enjoyed this one until the ending. I suppose I don't know how else to have ended it but to have such a cool town with such a realistic cast and then to just throw THAT out of left field? I was seeing red. Really, I couldn't believe it and I'm just going to leave it at that... If you're on the fence about Stephen King like I was, I would suggest a different book. As a side note, I couldn't get through season 1 on this show adaptation due to how insanely different the cast and circumstances were.
![Photo of haley kendall owen](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/ckuwyxbsd00290pulfmnqhna7.jpeg?size=100)
One of my favorite Stephen King novels. It's thrilling - full of corruption and speculation of how humanity works when everything goes wrong. How do we act when we think no one is watching? And how do we survive in the midst of those who don't care?
![Photo of Mahasin S Ameen](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_15.jpg?size=100)
35 hours and 30 minutes of listening time later. I don't want the time back, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, the God Machine rules King.
![Photo of Halsted Mencotti Bernard](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl7pb4sa9000r0j1o56om3i3k.jpg?size=100)
I mostly enjoyed reading this, but it isn't my favorite King story.
![Photo of Rachel](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_15.jpg?size=100)
I am not sure how I feel about this book, a large part of me loves it but there is some disappointment. When I started it I felt overwhelmed with all the different characters and the events that were happening so fast. I'm glad I pushed through that because mid-way through the book I was hooked by a very captivating plot that focused on the power struggle, drugs and a few supernatural themes. The characters at first seemed very one dimensional, you have your good guys and your bad, but there were little things that made them have more depth. The ending wasn't bad, it isn't what I expected (not in a clever way either, just random). I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm disappointed with the ending, it just felt like a ending to a completely different book that what I was reading. I feel like more could of been done with the ending and other factors in the plot, but overall a pretty good book and definitely worth reading.
![Photo of Liv Gliese Johnsen](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/clkmmldk701p00iy00et38wwl.jpg?size=100)
I AM FINISH! It has never taken me so long to read a book before! I have had plenty of breaks when I got enough of the city under the dome. I have chosen to give it 4 stars because it really is a great book, filled with intense suspension! The only reason why I did not give it 5 stars is because I simply thought that some parts of this great story was too long and it drove me tired. So here we go. Read it, but put a month aside to do so
![Photo of Garren](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/ckrlulswv00000oxcg6awef7v.jpeg?size=100)
I haven't read a Stephen King book in a long time. It was great to read one of his again. He has a great writing style and the book had a good pace to it. I really enjoyed the book.
![Photo of Howard Greller](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cksowzpa400030pxp7ozwbd5i.jpeg?size=100)
![Photo of Jessica](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_13.jpg?size=100)
![Photo of Jackeline Maleski](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/clz1c3nvv003x0i21cg541nbs.jpg?size=100)
![Photo of Eva Ströberg](https://assets.literal.club/user/fallback-avatars/avatar_13.jpg?size=100)
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a gasp.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
1076 / 1276
Me: I always have nightmares and no idea where they might come from
Also me: Reading this book as bedtime lecture. Well 🙃
But guys, do you see that? I‘m progressing! 🌝 can’t believe it either 😂
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
„She can't help it,“ he said. „She's got the soul of a poet and the emotional makeup of a junkyard dog.“
Describing my current mental state in one quote.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
838 / 1276
Uhmmm time seems to pass differently with this book - I can’t explain how I ended up that far that fast 😂
I guess I haven’t reached the full potential of destruction and inhumanity yet but I already started praying we‘ll never end up inside a dome ourselves. This story is too realistic and that scares the shit out of me.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
He who hesitates is usually fucked.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
“Your bullshit quotient is higher than my husband’s“
Adding that to the list of punchlines I might use.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
I guess a sock is also a geometric shape—technically—but I don't know what you'd call it. A socktagon?
Math humor 🤌🏼
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
Give a man or woman back his self-respect, and in most cases - not all, but most - you also give back that person's ability to think with at least some clarity.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
Murder is like potato chips: you can't stop with just one.
I can confirm the potato chips part.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
A man without a sense of purpose - even one whose bank accounts are stuffed with money - is always a small man.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
455 / 1276
I remember why I love Kings writing so much. It’s not beautiful or aesthetic (okay, sometimes it is) but raw and honest. He curses, his characters are not good deep inside and he’s unafraid to cross boundaries and shock his readers.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
If you don't control your temper, your temper will control you.
Life lessons with Mr. King.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
When dawn was still long hours away, bad thoughts took flesh and began to walk.
In the middle of the night thoughts became zombies.
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
322 / 1277
I decided to track my reading process along to hold myself accountable 😂 I did what I always do with books I (might) struggle with: dividing it into equal sized parts and tabbing them as milestones. Will I regret my minimum reading goal of 165 pages per day? Absolutely. 🙃
So far so good; I enjoy the ride. I still have a strange mix of memory fragments of passages I already read (tbh, barely none 😂) and frames of the TV show (which was annoying af 🥴) in my head. But it’s fun! 🌝
![Photo of Stephanie](https://assets.literal.club/user/avatar/cl85s25l100fx0i0146k5e3d7.jpg?size=100)
An idea is like a cold germ: sooner or later someone always catches it.
One of my favorite metaphors.