Underneath the Sycamore Tree

Underneath the Sycamore Tree

B. Celeste2019
It happened in stages.My father left.My twin sister died of an incurable autoimmune disease.My mother started breaking down.Then I was diagnosed with the very thing that took my other half from me.That was when I realized Mama's eyes turned gold when she cried.So I moved in with my father and his new family--new wife, new son, new stepbrother.Kaiden Monroe made me feel normal.Hated. Cared for. Loathed. And ... loved.Somewhere along the way, I'd found solace in the boy with brooding eyes.But everything happens in stages.And nothing good ever lasts.
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Photo of Phoebe Townsend
Phoebe Townsend@phoebetown
4.5 stars
Feb 28, 2023

Tear stains on the last few pages :(

Photo of mercy
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

emery wait for me i’m coming up with u

Photo of ♡
4.5 stars
Sep 16, 2022

no thoughts, just pain 😁

Photo of Turtle lover
Turtle lover@turtle05
4 stars
Aug 25, 2022

I dont know what to rate this. it was good. it was heart breaking. it family relationships are just 👌 there are just somethings I dont get like (view spoiler)[ They never really considered themselves as lovers? really? this is really gonna be "Kaiden's my bestfriend"?? (hide spoiler)] overall, the book is good but there are just somethings that are too...childish? for me. I see them as 15 year olds and not 18 year olds :< I love their attraction though but it did not reach the point of attraction I wanted them to have. but I liked it that way. the ends also went by fast. she was sick then the next, (view spoiler)[she's dead (hide spoiler)] :<

Photo of val
4 stars
Aug 24, 2022

** spoiler alert ** He querido leer este libro desde hace tanto, que la verdad es que ni siquiera puedo expresar en palabras lo que siento. Por una parte, estaba consciente de que esta sería la típica historia donde alguien está enfermo y probablemente se muera al final. Sin embargo, no empecé el libro por eso, sino por el romance entre hermanastros jeje (lo sé, un poco turbia la cosa). A medida que iba avanzando el libro, más rogaba que Emery no muriera al final. No lo sé, vivir con ese diagnóstico no es fácil y muchas veces es agotador, pero yo quería ver que Emery tuviera un final feliz a pesar de todo. Quería que fuera a la universidad, tuviera muchos amigos, y que pudiera experimentar varias cosas de la vida, pero no fue así. No creo que su muerte haya sido muy “wow”, en realidad siento que fue bastante casual y más porque te dicen en capítulos previos que tan mal está su estado de salud. Kaiden fue el típico chico malo, que jode la psiquis de la protagonista, y que al final le tiene "rencor" por haberse muerto. No sé cómo sentirme con respecto a él. Kaiden me pareció muy complicado y me dejó con muchas incógnitas. Siento que… la relación sin etiquetas que tenía con Emery no me agradó tanto como pensé (Aunque decían ser mejores amigos), y me hubiera gustado que él se hubiese abierto más con ella a nivel emocional, en vez de estar todo enojado y violento todo el rato. Creo que lo que más me gustó de este libro fue Emery, conocer su historia, conocer a través de ella a su hermana Logan (que no fue mucho pero que nos da una vaga idea de lo mucho que se querían esas dos), y me parece muy injusto que ella no hubiese recibido más de la vida. La nota de la autora me hizo llorar. Mención honorífica a Cam.

Photo of Nimo
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

I want to cry even more but I have headache🙁emery deserved more time with everyone I’m so mad

Photo of mahi
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

"Please don't take my sunshine away." i loved this book so much! it was such an eye-opener and i think there should be more books like this. barbara was wrong, so wrong for this ending, but i knew it was coming :(. i cried so much and nearly made myself sick.

Photo of meha
meha @santischloe
5 stars
Aug 16, 2022

First of all B. Celeste is hands down one of the most amazing authors and her writing so beautifully written! Going into this book I knew what it was about and how heartbreaking it would and let me tell you I cried so much! Emery Matterson is such an amazing character that I love so much and the way she would talk about her sister and life in general I relate to her. I’m missing her so much! Kaiden is such a pure soul, I absolutely fell in love with him and the way he would just care about emery and be gentle with her. I love him so much too. I love them so much and B. Celeste you did IT again! 5/5!

Photo of kay
4 stars
Aug 14, 2022


Photo of Putrimolia Sutejo
Putrimolia Sutejo@putrimolia
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022

eyewaterfall for hours i hate it here

Photo of rey
4 stars
Aug 7, 2022

Chronic illness is something I've dealt with since the past 5 years, and reading about it in such a raw, vunerable way just made this book so hard to read yet I couldn't put it down. The character dynamics to the family, and the writing style, everything was so beautifully done. Finished it in one sitting and I just can't find words, but I loved this book so so much.

Photo of Simar Gautam
Simar Gautam @simarsshelfxx
3 stars
May 15, 2022

(3.5) SOO I just read this book and I have very mixed opinions. To start things off, this book is about a girl named Emery, and she has Lupus (an autoimmune disease). Her mom is going through some shit, so she sends her daughter to live with her dad… and there she meets Kaiden… her fucking stepbrother. You heard me right… STEPBROTHER! Ik it sounds gross but honestly they’ve never met eachother so it isn’t like super incest-y but still… also the author is known for writing “taboo” stuff so i kinda set myself up ngl. ANYWAYS I did not love the male love interest, Kaiden. He was just downright an asshole and his entire demeanor was described as very “blunt”, but it still made it hard for him to be likeable. Also he just said and did shit that was questionable like I know you have daddy AND mommy issues but chill tf out holy. He did do cute shit occasionally but his “redemption” was honestly not enough for me. The main character also gave me pick me vibes. Like it was not that bad, but it was still THERE. Like there is this whole part where she is shitting on the other girls in her book club for wanting to read twilight and i'm like get your pretentious bs out of here we are twilight stans thank u. Also like every popular girl in the book was just labeled as a mean girl or bitchy like?? Ok misogyny! Ok I know i just shitted all over the MC but reading about her disease was so fucking heartbreaking like when she would talk about her pain or her hair falling out i would be on the verge of tears. Like I cried when reading this book regardless of how annoying the characters were. Her relationship with her parents was also such a sad thing considering she has become very distant from both of them. This book was very angsty, starting to end. Anyways this is such a disorganized review and i have sm other shit i wanna say regarding this book but i am tired! Good fucking night :) Wait ps if you end up reading this book listen to “cherry blossom” by Lana Del Rey BRO that song has me so sad.

Photo of Raven Dean
Raven Dean@ravenluvs2read
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021

***6 Stars*** This book, this story was absolutely phenomenal!!! I’ve been in the worst kind of book slump imaginable for the past year, and this bought be right out of it. I came across this book while watching a booktuber and I was intrigued. Downloaded it asap from KU and dived right in. From the very first page I was hooked and I knew this story wasn’t going to be like any other I had read. I loved the story line, the writing, and most of all I loved the characters. Especially Emery and Kaiden. Their romance wasn’t your usual type. It was raw and beautiful. You could literally feel their emotions as you read. All the way till that ending. That’s all I’m going to say. Just go grab this book and read it. You won’t be sorry!!

Photo of Ariella
5 stars
Sep 25, 2021

Un libro que me hizo llorar - CHECK Un libro con una hermosa pareja - CHECK Un libro con una enseñanza invaluable - DOBLE CHECK Un libro que todos deberían de leer - THE BIGGEST CHECK Underneath the Sycamore Tree es el primer libro que leo de esta escritora, y me ha dejado con un gusto agridulce. Por la peculiar forma en que ha creado esta historia, porque DEFINITIVAMENTE no es la única con este tipo de temática. Los personajes aquí son Emery, quien me parece un personaje fuerte y no me refiero a la actitud de siempre sonreír a pesar de las pérdidas. Sino porque es un personaje realista, sabe y entiende como son las cosas, eso tampoco quiere decir que se ha dado por vencida. "I find that books with the saddest endings are the best because it makes us feel" ¿Cuántas veces pasé de largo algunos libros por saber que la historia me haría llorar, cuántas veces dije no a un libro al que sospechaba que no tendría un buen final (simplemente porque no terminaría como yo quería)? "People are afraid ot the truth. They don´t want to accept that bad things happen to good people every single day. People struggle. People die. It´s life" Siempre he dicho que leer me ayuda a desconectarme de la vida a mi alrededor. Que un libro es un sin fin de aventuras y nuevas experiencias. Y este libro me ha enseñado que está bien sentir dolor algunas veces, que no siempre voy a poder evitar la tristeza. Y eso esta bien. "Nobody wants to read about reality" Y hasta este libro puedo asegurar que pertenecía a ese grupo de "evitar libros tristes". Luego esta Kaiden Monroe, el chico estrella del colegio con una gran hermosa máscara. ¿Porqué? pues cuando aparece, crees que es todo lo que siempre dicen de los chicos populares. Kaiden es un chico que aunque lo oculte, siente mucho. "Kaiden Monroe made everything bearable" Esta pareja es una combinación maravillosa que fue hecha por los imprevistos de la vida. "Best friends support each other. They´re there for each other." "I promise I´ll be at every single game" Te invito a que leas esta maravillosa historia

Photo of Samara Uddin
Samara Uddin@samara_xo0981
5 stars
Sep 1, 2023
Photo of Kacie bulpitt
Kacie bulpitt@kacex
4 stars
Jul 5, 2023
Photo of Kate W
Kate W@katewoodson1
3 stars
Jun 8, 2023
Photo of Emma allen
Emma allen@emmaallen1234
5 stars
Feb 12, 2023
Photo of JM
3.5 stars
Jan 9, 2023
Photo of ale
2.5 stars
Oct 31, 2022
Photo of Bella
3.5 stars
Mar 11, 2022
Photo of Polly Fairweather
Polly Fairweather@pollyfairweather
5 stars
Dec 10, 2021
Photo of Austiki
4.5 stars
Oct 23, 2021
Photo of yousr abu sboulah
yousr abu sboulah@yousr
2 stars
Jul 9, 2024