Unleash the Night
The result of a forbidden union between snow leopard and white tiger, Were-Hunter Wren Tigarian must battle not only the world of ordinary humans but also his fellow Were-Hunters to win the woman he loves, Marguerite D'Aubert Goudeau, the daughter of a wealthy and prominent U.S. senator. Original.

Scribbler Johnny@scribblerjohnny
My 2nd favorite after The Guardian. Kenyon was in very good form.

Judy Hudgins@knottyneedle
This is the Sherrilyn Kenyon I fell in love with. Some of her last books after been a bit of a disappointment, but I am glad I decided to give this one a chance. The book brings in friends of Nick and puts them together. Some time travel and 'instant' changing, but a nice, decent book for some hot summer day reading.

I have read a few books by Sherrilyn Kenyon and so far I have loved every single one of them. This book and all others I have read are so well written and get me hooked into the story and it makes me want to read more of her books. I highly recommend this book.

By far, one of my favorite dark hunter novels!

Mina Filimonovic@mina77799

Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc

Tifani Dyson@tifanichanel

Jacqueline Wilson@wilssearch

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Missy Zuber @mlz2883

Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos

Panda McPhisto@bookipanda

Amanda Kordeliski@akordeliski

Lauren Laidlaw@laurensliteraryloves

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