

Veronica is top of her class - and somehow she's found herself gazing in disbelief at a positive pregnancy test. Even worse, her ex-best friend and the high school's legendary malcontent, Bailey, is the only one there to help. In this warm and darkly funny road trip story, Veronica and Bailey drive a thousand miles to an out-of-state abortion clinic - rediscovering their friendship in the process
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Photo of Erin G.
Erin G.@toughcakes
2 stars
Jul 4, 2024

Fot me the depictions of the teens didn't come through as authentically as other YA books/characters I've read this year.

Photo of Lu
2 stars
Jan 22, 2023

The concept was great. The execution was horrible. Like I get that the authors were trying to do a comedic approach to the whole situation, but it felt so out of place and disrespectful. And the characters were flat an/or really overdrawn...

Photo of Mariam Mohsen
Mariam Mohsen@mariammohsen
4 stars
Mar 18, 2022

Was ok

Photo of Neva Davies
Neva Davies@booksofunknownorigin
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

I read Unpregnant by Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan and really enjoyed it. Unpregnant is a roadtrip novel, told from the perspective of a 17-year-old high schooler. When we first meet Veronica, she is taking a pregnancy test in the girls restroom in her high school. As her pregnancy test shows whether she is pregnant or not, she begins freaking out, wondering how this is going to affect her future and what she's going to say to her boyfriend. What I really loved about Unpregnant: the story is really well-plotted, and we get to see Veronica and Bailey begin to reconnect. As a roadtrip novel, it didn't go too quickly, and the characters were interesting. What I didn't love: honestly, it did feel a little heavy-handed regarding the obstacles Veronica and Bailey face as they roadtripped. Also, I started getting really frustrated with Veronica's boyfriend, and the amount of stalking he was clearly doing. I give Unpregnant 4.75/5 stars.

Photo of Iliana Elizabeth
Iliana Elizabeth @ilianaelizabeth
5 stars
Oct 22, 2021

Excelente libro. Pero excelente de verdad. Sé que suena a que cualquier libro me encanta pero la realidad es que tuve suerte, eso y que mis últimas lecturas (y las futuras honestamente), se dieron por recomendaciones de personas que sigo en diversas redes, así que un poco esperaba que por lo menos no fueran pésimas lecturas. Nunca imaginé un libro con un tema tan delicado que a la vez tenga el nivel de sarcasmo y humor que tiene en perfecto balance con las reflexiones que el tema puede ameritar. Me gustó mucho el progreso del personaje de Veronica, me gustó Bailey en todo momento, y lograron muy bien que odie a Kevin. Está muy bien escrito, con los capítulos marcando la distancia que van recorriendo, con mucho dinamismo, buenos diálogos y descripciones. No podía soltarlo, lo empecé y terminé el día de hoy con muy pocas pausas. Es una lectura ligera y muy atrapante, con una muy buena historia, y que en mi opinión además es bastante original dentro de las historias donde se menciona siquiera el aborto. Lo recomiendo, sobre todo para salir de un bloqueo lector porque es casi adictivo y difícil de soltar.

Photo of Emma Myers
Emma Myers@nachsie
5 stars
Oct 7, 2021

Really wish Pro-life people would have a check mark labeling them as bias. Most of them haven't read the book and are just complaining that a FICTIONAL book is pro-choice. It is unfortunate that I can't read honest reviews of this because people think this is a place to have a pro-life/pro-choice argument. You knew what this was getting into it. If this isn't your type of book, why read it? I will never understand. However, the pro-lifers are just showing how amazing this book was. Because how else would it still have 4 stars when pro-lifers are just rating it so badly without even reading it. People seem to like it more than hate it or this book would be one star. Which is why I read it. Because despite all the pro-lifers hate, it was four stars. So logically, it must be a good read. So just know pro-lifers, you were what persuaded me to buy it. Probably the opposite of what you wanted but that's what happens when you blow up something. This book was a fun ride, this really explains he craziness of life. The things thrown us, and the paths in life we take. I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun adventure. After reading it I can't wait to watch the movie. I loved each character and hated the jack off who trapped her. It really is a reality for people. This can happen. Being trapped by someone who purposely gets you pregnant to ruin your life. I'm glad this book exists, I really enjoyed it. I recommend it heavily.

Photo of Brianna Brown
Brianna Brown@brianna1019
4 stars
Sep 3, 2021

** spoiler alert ** Where to start with this one.... I love going into books not knowing much about them. I want everything to unfold in front of me. It usually makes for the best experiences. All I needed to know to want to read this one was that it involved teen pregnancy. Sold. We love a hard hitting YA. I was not expecting a road trip novel, but I wasn't mad about it. No matter how unrealistic it ended up being, this is fiction after all. This book has many problematic aspects though, and no, I don't mean the abortion. And no, I don't blame the authors, this story needs told just like any other story does. The boyfriend in this book, Kevin, is a literal piece of shit, forcing a pregnancy. The idea of that actually happening (I'm sure it unfortunately has) makes me physically ill. Her friend group is shallow and awful. And the parents in this book are stupid. Like actually dumb to not realize the things that are going on. With all that being said, I LOVED Veronica and Bailey's friendship story arc, and I can appreciate how these tough issues are handled with comedy in this novel, even though it is a little weird. I am actually interested to see what they do with the film adaptation.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Jan 6, 2024
Photo of Mackenzie Cole
Mackenzie Cole@slothrower05
4 stars
May 17, 2023
Photo of Arianna
5 stars
Jan 3, 2024
Photo of Leticia Leal
Leticia Leal@theillumiletty
4 stars
Dec 18, 2023
Photo of Catalina Pizza
Catalina Pizza @pizzita
4 stars
Nov 13, 2023
Photo of Grace debbage
Grace debbage@gracedebbage
3 stars
Jun 12, 2023
Photo of jack
3 stars
Jan 25, 2023
Photo of aurora
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of Emiliaaa
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of sofie schei
sofie schei@spaceythebelovd
4 stars
Oct 22, 2022
Photo of korina
1 star
Aug 30, 2022
Photo of Yari Chu Luo
Yari Chu Luo@yarichu
4 stars
Aug 29, 2022
Photo of Courtney
Courtney @readitandweep
5 stars
Aug 26, 2022
Photo of Zahia Saeed
Zahia Saeed @zahiawrites
3 stars
Aug 15, 2022
Photo of Anika | The.Bookish.Traveler 🌸
Anika | The.Bookish.Traveler 🌸@thebookishtraveler
4 stars
Jun 11, 2022
Photo of Sebastian coccimiglio
Sebastian coccimiglio@sebacoccimiglio
4 stars
Feb 28, 2022
Photo of Bella
4 stars
Feb 25, 2022