Untouchable A Bully Romance

It started out exactly how i wanted and then he turns soft ofc and they have a boring relationship.. so disappointing
Anyways, what i did like were the psychological aspect we got.

I don’t know why I kept reading, but damn this was a mess.

Untouchable is a book that I have been seeing all over booktube and I have been so curious about it but I knew that I needed to be in the right mood for it. Its a story that is part of the dark romance sub genre and is also a bully romance and has a scene of non consent so this book is NOT going to work for everyone. So be warning and check out the trigger warnings before reading this one here. Untouchable is a story of a young woman who reported when one of the players on the football team, by touching her without her consent, and he was taken off the team and he and his two friends including of which is Carter who is the star of the school. His family is powerful and he can do no wrong. His focus seems to be determined on making her life miserable but yet something more than just tormenting her. There is a connection that begins to build between the two, where secrets and truths are revealed and they bare themself all to each other. I found Untouchable to be a interesting story and one I was more than willing to take myself on and you know I was in the right mood for this type of romance. Sometimes you just gotta read a bully romance and this is one of the best that I have ever read before. If you have a fondness for Penelope Douglas than this author is definitely one you need to pay attention to. Despite how this book begins, I was so drawn into this world and I can tell you I don't really care for YA at all although I would say this blends into NA as well. But I was so drawn into this book and I couldn't put it down. There was such deep and provoking moments that blend so flawlessly within this story that I fell so hard for. Its not a story for the faint of heart but it is a story you can get behind in very unique ways. I was so drawn into seeing what was happening here. Both characters have depths to them that you don't expect to see and I adored every single moment in seeing their bond deepen. This is a true romance in that we see both character see the best and worst parts of each other and find acceptance in it. Overall I found Untouchable to be a thrilling, on the edge novel that kept me in suspense and I only thirsted for more, such intriguing elements written in such a compelling manner you won't be able to resist falling in love right along side this pair.

Stopped halfway. I can't. I really thought he was gonna redeem himself. He did not. I think what changed the game for me is that yes I can handle intense bullying and public embarrassment but I like to redeem these bullies (in my own twisted way) by not making them a full-on rapist. And that is the difference between Carter in this world and Rhys of the Immortal Confessions world. I'm feeling my way around different types of romances since I've only read the generic white picket fence ones but I'm sorry I don't like Carter.

** spoiler alert ** i don't know what i actually should say. when i started reading this i went into it with no expectations but holy shit the scenes w zoey and carter especially the first one god it was fucking vile and disgusting i almost threw my phone across the room. i hated carter and zoey was fucking intolerable. you hate the man but you want a relationship with him. he was like her little science project but idk i did understand her need to actually 'fix' carter or whatever. after looking past all this shit there were a few redeemable aspects of the book. chloe WAS V CUTE. i think the ending was a good one. but don't read this if you're into fairytales and shit please. you will not love it.

4.5 stars. Holy wow! This isn’t my usual type of book at all, but I LOVED it! The feelings and emotions is evokes are on opposite ends of the spectrum and it’s curious and fascinating all at the same time. Carter is a great character, if polarising. I can understand why people wouldn’t like him, but I love him! Zoey is great as well. I love how she stands up for herself and lets Carter know what she wants. A few small complaints I have are the overuse of the word literally and legitimately. I also think the “everyday” action is a little rushed and at times I thought the storyline dragged a little bit. One more small thing, I think the language choices weren’t fitting with the characters age and the epilogue sounded like it was three or four years into the future, rather than one. Still, these are tiny complaints. I loved this book. It’s not for everyone. It’s dark and confronting so please be aware if you have triggers.

***6 Stars*** First off let me say that the author does warn you of the darkness and triggers in this book. And the beginning is very intense, so I wouldn’t take her warning lightly if any of that stuff triggers you. Now that’s out of the way. This book was EVERYTHING! Carter Mahoney is fucking EVERYTHING!!!!!! From the start of the book until the end, I was OBSESSED!!! Carter is the definition of an Asshole, but you can’t help falling in love with him. And I did just that. Head over heels in FUCKING LOVE with that man!!! As for Zoey, I loved her and how strong she was, but at times she was too much in her head and it drove me crazy lol. She definitely gave Carter a run for his money though, and I loved every single second of it!! Hands down one of my all time favorite books ever, and Carter has landed hisself on my top book boyfriends list!!! I can’t wait to read more from this author.

I’m truly horrified and disgusted at myself for how much I loved this book. There must be something incredibly wrong with me, because what happens is NOT okay at all. There is no excuse. But I loved the story and the two of them together even though I shouldn’t