Upside Down

i... wow. i really needed this. i've seen so many fellow aspec readers adore and rec this with their whole hearts. and i thought, it's time to finally see why it's so beloved by others. and well... yeah, i get it. i speaks so explicitly about asexuality, something i still find to be lacking in modern media. and it does it so incredibly. it makes a point that the spectrum is vast, and everyone's experiences are different. i'll forever cherish books like these that continually confirm peoples unique aspec identities because, even if/when we have our realizations like jordan, it can still be difficult to grasp and be comfortable in them. of course, i needed to make a point that there is a singular harry potter reference, and that just... sucks. it always, always bothers me. and i'll always call authors out on it and warn readers who try to stay away from it, like it do.

O sea, lo mejor que puedo decir de este libro es que se dejó leer en menos de una tarde completa lol Tipo I know that one size does not fit all pero,,, muy decepcionante, la verdad. El amor que le tienen en los círculos asexuales de bookstagram.............I don't get it. La voz del principal es funny al principio pero después cuando llegan al support group it all felt so...preachy. And it has a few other moments like that, no solo I don't like preachy, it also feels so artificial. I'm here to read a novel, not a manifesto. Also like. I didn't like some of the things that were being preached lol tipo después al final con la crisis final como que lo arreglan un tach pero igual. No sé, I was not a fan. Also some other things, like calling a throuple "weird". Babe. Anyway. I loved the soup group, they were funny, def the best part of the book lol Sinceramente no se lo recomendaría a nadie lol Encima es tan azucarado. Tan,,, ugh. Dicen de ir lento y pero no dejan de decirse los chamuyos más chamuyables de la vida. Idk. Y la escena final contestándole al powerpoint...... there IS something such as as too quirky. Anyway at least now I know. Originalmente había puesto dos estrellas porque no es TAN malo pero by the way this review went....I had ti admit that maybe 1 star was more accurate rip

N R Walker always brings a sweet good time, and this book is a really valuable addition to the world of LGBTQIA+ romance novels - because here we're witness to an asexual romance blossom, and that's so rare! I usually go for authors/books that have a little more grit to them. I like my main characters to have a little bit of drama to really flesh out their flaws and the way they think / process. But you'll rarely get that with N R Walker, and this book is definitely the same. But I knew that going in and I was nearly prepared for the oh-so-sweet characters here. If you're up for a definite HEA, some awesome representation of asexual people, and some adorable side character moments - I definitely recommend this. It's so sweet my teeth are still aching, and I know there are plenty of people like me that occasionally need a bit of that in their reading life!

Naked truth? I'm just part of the minority that didn't like this book and I'm okay with that. You guys may have loved this, but honestly? I just didn't feel like I was reading a N.R. Walker novel. The main character, Jordon, was so annoying. I skipped most of his rumbling. It was that annoying. And what's with the curses and saying the m-f word in every page? I don't mind it, but this is too much. In every situation Jordan feels nervous or embarrassed (WHICH IS A LOT) he keeps cursing. I honestly couldn't finish it. The main character is what 26? He's acting as if he's 12 years old freaking about about his "Headphone Guy". Nope I can't sorry.