Children's Nursing Placements
Children's nursing placements can be daunting - you'll beworking in a variety of settings and caring for a range of children and their familieswhen they are at their most vulnerable. You will have new colleagues to workwith, and newly learned nursing theory to put into practice. This pocket guideis designed to make your placements much more enjoyable and less stressful. From absence policyto paediatric early warning scores,via faeces, it's full of practicaldetail, hints and tips. · Written by experienced lecturers with top tipsprovided by current nursing students - this guidance is really produced withyou in mind. · Pocket-sized format - carry it with you at alltimes. · Space to make your own notes - be it uniformpolicy, new terminology, or just the names of your new colleagues! Reduce your stress and make the most of your placement byhaving this book to hand from the start.