The Nautical Magazine for 1875

The Nautical Magazine for 1875

The Nautical Magazine first appeared in 1832, and was published monthly well into the twenty-first century. It covers a wide range of subjects, including navigation, meteorology, technology and safety. An important resource for maritime historians, it also includes reports on military and scientific expeditions and on current affairs. The 1875 volume is again dominated by reports on the Merchant Shipping Bill and debates on seaworthiness, with the editor continuing to prefer 'personal responsibility' to 'Plimsolecisms' and 'grandmotherly supervision' by the government. Serials focus on the economies of the British colonies, Atlantic shipping lines and emigration to South America, but fiction no longer features. Other topics include the opening of the Royal Naval Museum at Greenwich, innovations such as steel hawsers and desalination apparatus for producing drinking water, a proposal for generating power from wave action, and suggestions for using rats as a tasty and economical food source.
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