Collected Wheel Publications Volume XXI

Collected Wheel Publications Volume XXI Numbers 312–328

This book contains sixteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 312: Angulimala—Hellmuth Hecker 313–15: Beginnings: The Pali Suttas—Samanera Bodhesako 316–17: Flight—Stephen Batchelor 318–21: Samyutta Nikaya An Anthology Part III—M. O’C. Walshe 322–23: The Abhidhamma in Practice—N.K.G. Mendis 324–25: Buddhist Stories II—Eugene Watson Burlingame 326–28: Directing to Self-Penetration—Tan Acharn Kor Khao-Suan-Luang
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