Collected Wheel Publications Volume XVI

Collected Wheel Publications Volume XVI Numbers 231–247

Wheel Publication 231: The Essentials of Buddha Dhamma in Meditative Practice—Sayagyi Thray Sithu U Ba Khin 232–43: The Value of Buddhism for the Modern World—Dr. Howard L. Parsons 234–46: The Miracle of Being Awake—Thich Nhat Hanh 237: The Psychology of Emotions in Buddhist Perspective—Dr. Padmasiri de Silva 238–40: Anguttara Nikaya—Nyanaponika Thera 241–42: The Worn-out Skin—Nyanaponika Thera 243–44: Forest Meditations—Bhikkhu Khantipalo 245–47: The Noble Eightfold Path and its Factors Explained—Ledi Sayadaw
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