Collected Wheel Publications Volume III

Collected Wheel Publications Volume III Numbers 31 to 46

This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 31–2: The Manual of Insight — Ledi Sayadaw Mahathera; 33: Advice to Rahula: Four Discourses of the Buddha — Nyanaponika Thera; 34–5: Foundations of Buddhism & The Four Noble Truths — Francis Story (Anagarika Sugatananda); 36–7: Buddhism and the Age of Science — U Chan Htoon; 38: The Lamp of the Law — Soma Thera & Piyadassi Thera; 39–40: Purification of Character — Dr. C. B. Dharmasena; 41: Buddhism and Peace — K. N. Jayatilleke; 42–3: Early Western Buddhists — Francis Story; 44: The Contribution of Buddhism to World Culture — Soma Thera; 45–6: Escape to Reality — Ananda Pereira.
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