Collected Wheel Publications Volume I

Collected Wheel Publications Volume I Numbers 1–15

This book contains the first fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 1: The Seven Factors of Enlightenment — Piyadassi Thera; 2: Vedanta and Buddhism — Helmuth von Glasenapp; 3: Buddhism and Science — K.N.Jayatilleke/Robert F.Spencer/Wu Shu; 4: The Greatest Adventure — David Maurice; 5: The Buddha — Piyadassi Thera; 6/7: The Four Sublime States & The Practice of Loving Kindness (Metta) — Nyanaponika Thera & Nyanamoli Thera; 8: Kalama Sutta — Soma Thera; 10: Sakka’s Quest — Sister Vajira; 11: Anatta and Nibbana — Nyanaponika Thera; 12/13: The Case for Rebirth — Francis Story; 14: Everyman’s Ethics — Narada Thera; 15: Dependent Origination — Piyadassi Thera.
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