Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes

Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes

Vera Pless2011
A complete introduction to the many mathematical tools used tosolve practical problems in coding. Mathematicians have been fascinated with the theory oferror-correcting codes since the publication of Shannon's classicpapers fifty years ago. With the proliferation of communicationssystems, computers, and digital audio devices that employerror-correcting codes, the theory has taken on practicalimportance in the solution of coding problems. This solutionprocess requires the use of a wide variety of mathematical toolsand an understanding of how to find mathematical techniques tosolve applied problems. Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, Third Editiondemonstrates this process and prepares students to cope with codingproblems. Like its predecessor, which was awarded a three-starrating by the Mathematical Association of America, this updated andexpanded edition gives readers a firm grasp of the timelessfundamentals of coding as well as the latest theoretical advances.This new edition features: * A greater emphasis on nonlinear binary codes * An exciting new discussion on the relationship between codes andcombinatorial games * Updated and expanded sections on the Vashamov-Gilbert bound, vanLint-Wilson bound, BCH codes, and Reed-Muller codes * Expanded and updated problem sets. Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, Third Editionis the ideal textbook for senior-undergraduate and first-yeargraduate courses on error-correcting codes in mathematics, computerscience, and electrical engineering.
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