
I'm not going to be one of those people who go up in arms and crucify Veronica Roth for ending her series the way she wanted to. Everyone is yelling about there not being a happy ending but to me, it was the only ending that would have made sense. And to me, there was a happy ending. I won't say I agree with everything but there were two protagonists to this story and I think people falling in love with Four made them forget that he just wasn't a side character or a consequence of Tris' life. He had his own life and backstory and characters that meant something to him and him alone. I cried, I laughed and I cheered while reading this book. I think Veronica succeeded because while reading this book and the others invoked an emotion within me and I'm sure others. Happy endings don't look the same. Just because there was no pretty bow or Prince Charming kissing the princess awake does not make it not a happy ending. Tris is not a princess and Four is no Prince Charming. They were a bunch of kids handed a raw deal by a world that wasn't perfect. I think this was not a story about love. I think it was a story about two people over coming adversary and finding strength within themselves. They just happen to fall in love along the way.

Sad Spoilers I hate how this ends much prefer the movies ending to the books it just seemed a waist to kill the heroine at the end. But I liked how she was honoured at the end and four went down the zip line to release her ashes. But I did find this book slow moving compared to the others in the series that is why only four star instead of the five