Blade Breaker Realm Breaker #2

I am just so obsessed. I can’t stop thinking about this series and the characters. I’m actually surprised at how quickly i was able to finish these books. And i cannot wait for the next one. I absolutely love everything about it, i honestly have nothing bad to say.

This book was absolutely amazing. The ending left off on a huge cliffhanger, I don't think I can wait for February to come. I loved seeing Andry and Corayne get to know each other better. I also am loving seeing how Erida and Taristan's relationship develops (even though I know I shouldn't). I just love seeing all the characters personalities grow more and more throughout the books.

The main character is and will forever be Sorasa Sarn, ugh <3. I really love the story. The world building alone is rich and vast. Some issues I had with the first book were still present when reading the sequel; I just do not find Corayne or Andry to be interesting main characters. I love POV chapters but found myself more disinterested than not when it came to theirs. I was way more invested in supporting characters like Sorasa and Dom and seeing their development. There was one POV character that I could not remember for the life of me and I had to go back (to Realm Breaker) and figure out why the character was relevant. The map and fanart were super helpful to me here when remembering all the different characters and locations because it can be overwhelming at times. Overall I find this to be a really fun, epic fantasy that might resonate more with the older side of YA. I look forward to reading the next installment.

Phenomenal. is this EVEN BETTER than the first one? Quite possibly yes. Give me the third book now pretty please.
Cry count: 3

Victoria Aveyard does the best job at writing a character that everyone needs to hate. In the second installment of this series, I found I despised Erida, and couldn't bring myself to thoroughly read her chapters. That being said, the harrowing adventures of the Companions and their quest to save the Realm enraptured me just like the first book. I would suggest not starting this trilogy/series/etc until the third book comes out because I need to know the next chapter in these stories. Sorosa and Dom have my attention for the majority of this book and their character development is like no other I've read. Victoria is an impeccable writer who can tell a story from all points. 5 stars was not given because I truly have never hated a character more, but props to Victoria.

I love this serie. It is just insane. I love how Aveyard writes. The diversity is very nice. It doesn't feel forced or anything, it is just there. I did shed a tear for the end. I hope the third book will be set right after like this book with the first one. The only reason why I didn't give it a 5 stars it's because, at some point toward the middle, it started to get longer with nothing happening really. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. The characters are freaking adorable. I love all of them. also, Aveyard is killing me this slow, slooow burn love... I just want them to be all together soon, help .

i liked this one way more than the first, it felt like all the main characters and the relationships were more fleshed out. that being said when am i going to get a dom and sorasa kiss? it’s what the people deserve

I loved this book, slightly more that I did with the first book. I read this book in one sitting and I wasn't able to put it down at any point.

With me… I am at a loss for words but I’ll do my best. Blade Breaker threw me back into the world of Allward so well that I only had to read the last 5 pages of Realm Breaker to remember what was going on. It picks up right where the first book leaves off and shows the immediate aftermath of the events of Realm Breaker’s climax. Throughout the entire book, I was trying to predict plot twists and deaths (because I no longer trust Victoria after Red Queen) and I still never predicted how it played out. The mythical creatures that are coming through the spindles in this one… chef’s kiss. Some are well known, while others I have never heard of anything like it. The tension between the respective “couples” (very loosely used term for obvious reasons), beautifully written. Throughout this book I found myself rooting for the villains way more than I should have been. Even now I still couldn’t accurately predict what I think will happen in the next book and who will win in the end. With me.

"Save the world or end it. Claim the sword or break it." -Aveyard Blade Breaker is a dynamic sequel to Victoria Aveyards YA high fantasy novel, Realm Breaker which was released last year. Not only does Blade Breaker deliver on all fronts, but it expands the world, character arcs, and relationships, and adds a whole new layer to the narrative of this outstanding fantasy world seamlessly. I have not read a sequel this good in years. (And it's my job to read books so you know that's saying something). Blade Breaker picks up right after the ending moments of Realm Breaker. Instantly you're thrown back into the fantastical masterpiece that is the Realm and the fight for Spindles to control What Waits, a demonic force that wants to wreck the Realm. You follow both sides as they rise against each other, their motives twisting and turning until the fate of the world rests on a delicately balanced blade. Unsure of what way it will tip, Blade Breaker pulls at your heart, paints a layered narrative unlike anything I've read, and shows what happens when a realm is divided, and how far one is willing to go to save or destroy it. Three Things I Loved: 1) THE FACT THAT I WAS CHEERING FOR BOTH THE 'Good' AND 'Bad' guys. It's the way that Aveyard crafted this novel so well (as well as in Realm Breaker) to get you to want both sides to succeed. She strips back the layers of what is good is bad and shows that motivations, development, and choices are not always as simple and black and white as many think. 2) The relationships (both romantic and platonic) that were developed. I felt like I was taking a step back into a familiar world, exploring dynamics, and watching love, companionship, and more authentically developed. I find in sequels, oftentimes, I am not satisfied with the directions of the characters. BUT IN BLADE BREAKER I LOVED EVERY MOMENT AND EVERY CHARACTER ARC. 3) THE QUOTES. Not only is this sequel a masterpiece, but it has so many poetic moments that had me in tears, smiling, or screaming. I don't normally tab books, but I did for this because I wanted to keep track of all the amazing quotes, dialogue, and moments. Overall, if you haven't picked up Realm Breaker WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. I highly recommend it. Realm Breaker and Blade Breaker are some of the best YA high fantasy books I have read in the past two years. It's got a stellar cast, a perfectly layered world, and moments that will leave you breathless. Victoria Aveyard delivers on all fronts in Blade Breaker, and I cannot wait to read what she writes next! Add Blade Breaker to your TBR, out this June! 5/5 Stars *Thank you to Epic Reads and Harper Collins for sending me an advanced reader's copy of Blade Breaker. All opinions in my review expressed are entirely my own and not influenced by early access.*


Now there is nowhere to go, and yet I keep walking forward. Into what, I do not know. And neither does anyone else.

His reply was quick, already formed. "I'm glad to know you, Corayne an-Amarat. You're the bravest person I've ever met. And no matter what you may think, you've done great things already.
You will do greater still."
"That's three compliments."

Andry followed, falling in behind her like a knight behind his queen. It was almost second nature now, to guard her as he'd once hoped to guard Erida. Corayne is far more important, he knew. To the Ward, and to me.

"How fare the winds?" she said, trembling. It was the only farewell she had the strength to give.
Meliz's smile split her face, brilliant as the sun.
"Fine," she answered, "for they bring me home."

"She's certainly the key to something." And then he leaned close, tapping two fingers over Andry's heart.

"Shall I hunt him for you?"

Dom's lip curled and he shifted, planting himself between Sorasa and the Falcon's cold eyes. "You are very welcome to try, boy," the Elder said, staring down at the Falcon. "Would you like to meet that goddess of yours?”
When he would kill for you >>>>>>>>

"We've only been riding together for three days, but it's clear to see where your heart lies," he said, his face softening, his voice devoid of judgment. "Keep her close."

"She's certainly the key to something." And then he leaned close, tapping two fingers over Andry's heart.
The way I gasped and squealed