An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

This Third Edition provides a solid and well-balancedintroduction to probability theory and mathematicalstatistics. The book is divided into three parts: Chapters1-6 form the core of probability fundamentals and foundations;Chapters 7-11 cover statistics inference; and the remainingchapters focus on special topics. For course sequences thatseparate probability and mathematics statistics, the first part ofthe book can be used for a course in probability theory, followedby a course in mathematical statistics based on the second part,and possibly, one or more chapters on special topics. Thebook contains over 550 problems, 350 worked-out examples, and 200side notes for reader reference. Numerous figures have beenadded to illustrate examples and proofs, and answers to selectproblems are now included. Many parts of the book haveundergone substantial rewriting, and the book has also beenreorganized. Chapters 6 and 7 have been interchanged to emphasizethe role of asymptotics in statistics, and the new Chapter 7contains all of the needed basic material on asymptotics. Chapter 6 also includes new material on resampling, specificallybootstrap. The new Further Results chapter include someestimation procedures such as M-estimatesand bootstrapping. A new chapter on regression analysishas also been added and contains sections on linear regression,multiple regression, subset regression, logistic regression, andPoisson regression.
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