Vines A Killers Novel
In the Virginia countryside outside of Washington, DC, Addy Wentworth was on a mission to make a new life for herself. When the opportunity arose, she settled in horse and wine country. Experiencing more than her fair share of tragedy and loss, she had plans for her future, one where failure wasn't an option. And not just because people and cows were counting on her. She'd poured everything she had into her struggling vineyard, because once she's in, she's all in. After giving himself wholly to the job for ten years, Crew Vega was done. He'd fulfilled his commitment, done his duty, gone above and beyond to settle the score. And the score was high. All he had to do was train his replacements and he'd be out for good. He had a plan, one that didn't include getting involved with his new neighbor, a woman who not only kept cows for pets, but treasured her employees as family, and understood him better than anyone ever had before. But when he learned a high level CIA target being investigated for treason was keeping tabs on her? No, he never planned on that. And like everything Crew Vega did in life, when he goes in, he's all in. Warning: I'm a devout member of the mama club and don't want to get kicked out by angry mamas. If you aren't eighteen, turn around, go drink your milk and eat your veggies, it's good for your bones. And go to bed early, you're still growing, your body needs sleep. And don't text and drive. And be nice, sit with the kid who sits alone at lunch. And read a PG-13 book, it's good for your brain. And go tell your mama you love her. Chop-chop, run along now. I'll see you back when you're eligible to vote.

Amanda J @librarianonbreak
Middle of the road KU. Nothing too exciting. Middling plot and romance. Had some humor.

Cindy McKee@cindy-lou23

Nicky Morgan@nickym96

Heather @scottishflower375



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Ishika Jain@bookbestiealways

Abby Kingerski @abbykingerski


Estefani @fenni


Siena Grace@sienagrace

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