
If I ever get recommended another Virginia Woolf novel again I’m committing arson.


'I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything.'

She seemed a compound of the autumn leaves and the winter sunshine ...

If the best of one's feelings means nothing to the person most concerned in those feelings, what reality is left us?

There are some books that LIVE," she mused. "They are young with us, and they grow old with us.

the mother of her earliest childhood, whose silence seemed to answer questions that were never asked.

"Because if you're in love with a vision, I believe that that's what I'm in love with."

Being yourself very inexperienced and very emotional, you go home and invent a story about me, and now you can't separate me from the person you've imagined me to be. You call that, I suppose, being in love; as a matter of fact it's being in delusion. (..) But I won't have you do it about me

(…) loneliness frightens me. I should shut it up in my mind. Yes, that's what I'm afraid of. Going about with something in my mind all my life that never changes. I find it so difficult to change.

"what is reason without reality?"

With a brain working and a body working one could keep step with the crowd and never be found out for the hollow machine, lacking the essential thing, that one was conscious of being.

One hasn't any advice to give one's children. One can only hope that they will have the same vision and the same power to believe, without which life would be so meaningless.