The Years (Penguin Modern Classics)
The Years follows the lives of the Pargiters, a large middle-class London family, from an uncertain spring in 1880 to a party on a summer evening in the 1930s. We see them each endure and remember heart-break, loss, radical change and stifling conformity, marriage and regret. Written in 1937, this was the most popular of Virginia Woolf's novels during her lifetime, and is a powerful indictment of 'Victorianism' and its values.

weli @woooodstx
tip: take the chance to reread

ellie 💐💌⭐️@elliebennett

Vanessa @mousesinhouses394

Rocío de la Hera@rdlhbooks

Shradha Thekkekara@pinku

Irene Alegre@irenealegre

Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy

Adam Y@jimmis

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