Vision In Silver

Ahh so freaking good I'm absolutely obsessing over this series right now! This was a slower pace than the previous books but it feels like a good set up for the next book because things are ramping up again and I'm so excited!

Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop 4⭐️ - MY SHIP IS FINALLY COMING TOGETHER - so much cultural/historical subtext - the world building is crazy - pretty slow at certain points (which I mostly like) - SIMON MY BOI

Utterly blown away. I absolutely adore the dynamics between the characters: Meg and Simon. Meg and everyone else. And Meg's character development. And nonetheless, how the depth of this universe just expands further with each book, and how it plays upon the previous book(s).

Nothing really happened in this book. It was an entire book of filler and tension builder but no climax or resolution, rather disappointing. Hopefully with the next book having to be all climax and resolution it will have a made this book worth the read. You could say relationships were strengthened characters were developed but I feel all of that was implied with the last book and would have been understood without using a whole book to spell it out. But maybe this series is geared towards a younger reader. I really enjoy the world she has created which is why I keep reading the books, however the way it is written leaves something to be desired. and on a final note it should not take 3 books to decide if meg and Simon like each other or not in a more than friends way. It was obvious in book 1 that is where the story wanted to go, dragging it out is painful. spoiler alert we still don't know if they like each other or not. Either make them family or romantic, stop bouncing back and forth.

➽ And the moral of this reread is: well it sure looks like I enjoyed this book against my better judgment again. There really is no hope for me, I'm afraid. As you should sexy mustachioed damsel, as you should. 👋 Until next time and stuff. [July 2020] The time to write a full-length review for this book I do not have, ergo severely cut the crap shall be. Must be your lucky day and stuff. Why this book should have been most ruthlessly buried in the unfathomable depths of my DNF graveyard: ① Nothing happens. ② Nothing happens. ③ Once in a while, nothing happens. ④ Some authors write slow-paced books. Anne Bishop writes no-pace books. Because nothing happens = no action = no need for pacing and stuff = tada! ⑤ World building is vague as fish! There are inconsistencies aplenty! Plot holes abound! Yay! ⑥ Some Most of the characters act as if they were (choose all that apply): a) On the spectrum b) Slightly moronic simple-minded c) Naïve as shrimp, ever-bewildered 10-year-olds d) a e) b f) c g) all of the above ⑦ Some authors write slow-burn romances. Anne Bishop writes no-burn romances. She takes things so bloody shrimping slow, nothing burns! Yay! Not a chance you’ll get “Boom! Pregnant!” while reading this book! Yay! It’s the most efficient contraceptive ever! Yay! That’s Simon, Nathan and Sam in their Halloween costumes, in case you were wondering. Why I ended up lurving this book against my better (albeit slightly nefarious) judgment: ① The world building might be lazy as shrimp, but the idea at its core is bloody fishing refreshing and original and creative and stuff. (A world in which murderous creatures ruthlessly rule over lowly mortals? Talk about a dream come true.) ② Some Most of the characters act as if they were (choose all that apply): a) On the spectrum b) Slightly moronic simple-minded c) Naïve as shrimp 10-year-olds d) a e) b f) c g) all of the above Sorry, what? I already said that in the cons section? And your point is? Cons can be pros and vice-versa and stuff. Besides, socially inept beasts characters are Super Extra Hot (SEH™), if you ask me. ② The communication issues interactions between the Others and the puny humans are everything. They remind me of my slightly frustrating, moderately baffling, eye-roll inducing dealings with homo sapiens weaklings. Which might or might not explain why I find this series most entertaining and stuff. ③ “Do you know what happened to the dinosaurs? The Others is what happened to the dinosaurs.” Hahahahahaha. Gotta love terra indigene humor. Such great stand up comics they’d make. (Not sure puny humans would agree with me on that one, though. Don’t know why. Just a feeling I have and stuff.) ④ You know that con about no-burn romances? Guess what? It’s a pro, too. Ha! “Why?” you ask. Because I said so, obviously. And also maybe perhaps because the less lovey dovey crap romance there is in a story, the more my black, withered heart gleefully rejoices and stuff. Ha again! ⑤ Packs of wolves vs. gaggles of girls. I rest in my case and stuff. ⑥ “Fucking monkeys. Wither their eyes. Squeeze their hearts into black pulp. Turn them into festering cesspools contained in a weeping bag of skin.” That’s Gertie the Cheerleading Crab for you. The little darling just can’t help getting her pom poms out of storage and giving them a vigorous workout whenever mass human slaughter is mentioned. Such an enthusiastic little crustacean she is. ➽ Nefarious Last Words (NLW™): 7 cons vs. 6 pros and yet I still rated the book 4 stars. Goes to show that the minority will kick your ass every single time and stuff. Ha! P.S. I seem to recall that someone once mentioned that the crap would be severely cut in this review. Looks like someone is full of fish the Others aren’t the only predators with a wonderful sense of humor and stuff. (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)] · Book 1: Written in Red ★★★★ · Book 2: Murder of Crows ★★★★ · Book 4: Marked in Flesh ★★★★ [Pre-review nonsense] What the fish is it with this series?! This is yet another installment I should have hated with all the fury of a murderous crustacean on an acid trip! And should have DNFed faster than it takes to say “Fleet Admiral DaShrimp, unleash the shrimps on those puny humans at once!” But I didn't! Ha! I loved every bloody fishing minute of this Lethargically Slow-Paced, Zero-Action Fest of the Many Inconsistencies and Lazy World Building (LSPZAFotMIaLWB™)! Ha again! ➽ Full review to come and stuff.

Link to Blog: http://laceysloveofliterature.blogspo... ARC provided in exchange for an honest review I began this series a couple of months ago and have been eagerly anticipating the release of this book. Imagine my surprise when I got the email saying that I had received an ARC copy and to log on to my netgalley account. I literally squealed and was ready to dive straight back into this world of Namid, back to Lakeside Courtyard with Sam, Tess, Nathan and of course Simon and Meg. Meg Corbyn has been living with the terra indigene in the Lakeside Courtyard for the past couple of months since escaping her compound and the Controller. However, Meg is special - she's a cassandra sangue who cuts her skin with a specially-designed silver razor to make prophecies. However, cassandra sangue become addicted to cutting themselves in an attempt to feel the euphoria that comes when they bleed. The cassandra sangue are also known as the sweet blood, as their blood is able to make humans and the terra indigene crazy-aggressive, or completely passive and lazy. So the Others hate Meg cutting their skin, not only because they are tempted to lick the blood, but also because according to legend, a cassandra sangue only has 1000 cuts before she dies. I think Meg is a totally kick-ass heroine! Yes, she's emotionally unstable and weak, and can't take too much change and stimulus at once, but she's still incredibly brave and strong. She's able to deal with her addiction, to an extent, and is making a home for herself in the Courtyard. I absolutely adore Simon - have since the first book. He's incredibly sweet and adorable, but is also the Leader of the Courtyard Others and is such the epitome of an alpha-male. His need to protect not only his pack, but what they fondly refer to as the human pack was sweet but also shows how noble, protective, and loyal Simon is. His over-protectiveness towards Meg was not only sweet but funny - they both don't seem to understand what is happening between the two of them. 'But Nathan was what humans called a work friend. Meg didn't spend much time with him away from the Liaison's Office. She didn't cuddle up with him to watch television or movies. She didn't share a bed with Nathan whether he was human or Wolf. Those were things she only did with him because he was a different kind of friend. It was almost...' This is also what I loved about this series - the romance, because come on we know that's where it's leading between these two, is slow building, with a massive emphasis on friendship and family being important. We finally see a change in their relationship towards the end of the book - which hopefully will be continued in the next book. There is a next book right?! 'As they walked toward the group waiting for them by cars, Simon's hand brushed against Meg's. He hesitated for a step or two; then he took her hand, ready to release her if she growled an objection. But after a startled look, she smiled and curled her fingers around his.' I loved the insight we got into one of the other cassandra sangue's. Seeing her adapt to her surroundings, become comfortable with Jackson's pack in the Rockies, was awe-inspiring. She was incredibly brave and strong. Her need to cut was trumped by her need to draw - instead of cutting to tell prophecies, she drew her visions. Another kick-ass cassandra sangue. The name she chose for herself in the end was hopefully prophetic - maybe she's the proof that the cassandra sangue are going to be alright in the normal world. I want a Hope novella, pretty please Anne Bishop? '"Hope," she said, hearing the truth in the word. He cocked his head. "What?" She gave him a brilliant smile. "My name is Hope." And Nathan Wolfgard. How you stole thy heart. I absolutely fell in love with Nathan in this book. He was an alpha-male through and through and I absolutely adore this sweet, loving, gentle enforcer. He is a BAMF! Yes guys, I did just say that. Cringey, I know - but I have no other words to describe this Wolf. I also wouldn't mind a Nathan novella... Nicholas Scratch is an asshole - has been throughout the entire series. He's a pain in the terra indigene's side, and could lead to the extinction of the humans in Thasia. Let me tell you, when this bigotted, narcisstic idiot dies, because we all know Simon's going to tear him to shreds sooner of later, no tears of mine will be shed. I will shout with joy and probably throw a party. This series is incredibly amazing, different yes, but also kick-ass! So guys, I'm telling you get reading.

Things are getting crazy everywhere because of the HFL. A little girl travels alone on a train and has to be protected by a wolf. The cassandra sangue rescued from the compounds are having trouble adjusting. Can Meg, deemed The Trailblazer figure out how to help them? One of the girls has started drawing again, and the drawings resemble prophecy. Maybe they can find other ways than cutting to get their visions out there. An attack by the HFL leaves some dead and many injured. Can Simon and the others convince the wild ones not to wipe out all of the humans? Or is it too late? Soooo much going on in this book!! I love this series!!

4 1/2 zelfs. Zo deze is goed! Nog beter dan de vorige.

3.5/5 BOOKSTAGRAM The one thing I dislike about series that are 5+ books long...is that the books in between 1-final book tend to have "second book" syndrome. Now don't get me wrong, I am still obsessed with Anne Bishops "The Others" series and I absolutely love Meg, Simon and the gang. However, once again it feels like this is a filler book for the ending that is coming. In actuality we could have done without this book. Yes Vision in Silver provided information that was pertinent to the series, and gave us new characters to sort. However, it just felt like there was nothing important with this book. We are given a lot less of our main characters once again and putting focus on the secondary characters. I really would like it if we stuck to just the characters we were introduced to in Written in Red - in terms of POV. You can add as many characters as you want, but when you start taking away from the main characters...well then there is a lack of character development. Which brings me into my main issues with the book: 1. The lack of a world map The author does explain in a footnote for her lack of a larger map. However, the statement "because the series focuses on this city" is not an excuse anymore. This entire book was taking place in cities outside of Lakeside. It mentions other countries/continents and even shows a view from those citys as well. A majority of the time it was so hard to pinpoint where these characters were, and it didn't help that there is no hint as to who the POV is right away. So a larger map explaining this world would have been nice. 2. Month names So the author decided to add in the current date in the world, to each chapter. Which is fine; however, the name of the months - just like the days - are completely different. Mais, Juin, etc. I could decipher the months based on sound and look; however, it would have been nice if she added it to the first pages like she did with the days. 3. Character development It's difficult to have character development when there is over 10 characters to take care of. I have noticed that many Adult Fantasy books tend to have that larger character amount; however, if you want your characters to go somewhere there needs to be character arch. Yes Meg is growing and coming into her own as both a female and a freed blood prophet - but there needs to be more there. As well as Simon. He is coming to understand humans and notices that not all "monkeys" are bad and some have value. But his personality does not shift. So it's really disappointing that we aren't seeing our main characters change in the slightest. 4. The plot was slow There is not much to say besides the plot was definitely slow in this one. Actually much of the plot was useless to me. Most of it was humans being evil and doing harm, which is nothing new, and Meg freaking out after every vision she has...once again nothing new. I am grateful that the author is throwing in hints of new ways that these blood prophets can see the future besides harming themselves. All in all I was disappointed with Vision in Silver and I am hoping that Marked in Flesh will pick up the pace.