Walkaway A Novel
“Is Doctorow’s fictional utopia bravely idealistic or bitterly ironic? The answer is in our hands. Walkaway reminds us the world we choose to build is the one we’ll inhabit. Technology empowers both the powerful and the powerless, and if we want a world with more liberty and less control, we’re going to have to fight for it.”—Edward Snowden
Shona Tiger@shonatiger
Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur
Fraser Simons@frasersimons
Ben Burns@benburns
Luke Kanies@lak
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
Frank Meeuwsen@frank
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander
Dan H@dannagain
Jayme Cochrane@jamesco
Rob F@raretrack
Daniel Kilby@d291173
Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob
Dean Sas@dsas
Phil James@philjames
Katie Chua@kchua
Patrick Hof@courts
Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob
Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
Dave Lehman@dlehman
JC Sackett@jcsackett
Joe Woods@woods