
Walkaway A Novel

Cory Doctorow2017
“Is Doctorow’s fictional utopia bravely idealistic or bitterly ironic? The answer is in our hands. Walkaway reminds us the world we choose to build is the one we’ll inhabit. Technology empowers both the powerful and the powerless, and if we want a world with more liberty and less control, we’re going to have to fight for it.”—Edward Snowden
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Photo of Shona Tiger
Shona Tiger@shonatiger
2 stars
Jan 19, 2023

Sooooo preachy, way too long, some fascinating ideas but struggled through long, meandering treatises. Full of its own conceit. So, one star. Second for ideas.

Photo of Magnus Dahl
Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur
4 stars
Sep 23, 2022

Reading Doctorow always makes me want to overthrow global capitalism by installing Linux and learning to code.

Photo of Fraser Simons
Fraser Simons@frasersimons
3 stars
Jun 9, 2022

"If a paycheque could change your life, do you think they'd let you have one?" Walkaway is a book about many things but fundamentally this is what it wants you to think about, the rest is a thought experiment viewed from a few different characters' eyes. On paper, this book does everything I want from a post-cyberpunk book, including callbacks to first wave cyberpunk books. "Making other people feel like assholes was a terrible way to get them to stop acting like assholes." Hubert Vernon Rudolph Clayton Irving Wilson Alva Anton Jeff Harley Timothy Curtis Cleveland Cecil Ollie Edmund Eli Wiley Marvin Ellis Espinoza is feeling the woes of the generation gap when he and his best friend, Seth, go to a Communist party. Just as a rich, young future “zotta” (essentially boiling down to those people who are the rich 1%, controlling the world) by way of a hefty inheritance drops some millennial knowledge about how their generation is attempting to resist the system, the authority shows up and exercises excessive force to remove them from the abandoned premises; setting the trio on a path that has them walk away from society. "I’m suspicious of any plan to fix unfairness that starts with ‘step one, dismantle the entire system and replace it with a better one,’ especially if you can’t do anything else until step one is done." The book follows these main three, along with a couple more walkaways through a number of years of their lives, from their “schlepping” days, adapting to a lifestyle where people occupy the abandoned spaces away from what is referred to as default: the mainstream way of life folks typically go through across the world in this cyberpunk world that always feels not that far away. Sure, people have interface surfaces they intuit for computer functionality. Not yet a completely simulated reality but more of an augmented one, along with mecha and fabricating printers, the daily lives of people with technology has not diverted from ours. The day-to-day of the typical citizen is intact, creating a through line that the form of resistance everyone has in the structure of our civilization currently is held by everyone. The power structures come from the active participation in the citizens to abide and uphold it. The story reads like an ongoing thought experiment with this premise in mind, from young teens walking away to an even further future. "Everyone failed to live up to their own ideals. She wanted to fall short of the best ideals." The “punk” in cyberpunk constantly needs to be reevaluated, because the punk movement has died does not mean there are no forms of resistance that would classify people as punks. Making the cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk genre far from dead as some people posit. This text is great at showing this and does so with as diverse a cast of characters as I've read. For this genre in particular though, I would say it exceeds expectations. There is good LGBTQ+ representation, a wide variety of relationships, and from a large number of backgrounds. "When I was your age, we didn't have an abandoned zones or free hardware designs. People without a place were homeless—vagrants, beggars." Additionally, the text also explores simulated, digital minds that are simply called sims. They scan the person's mind and then attempt to run them on hardware. I say attempt because not all people take to being a digital human. This is also done well and explored more in-depth and in a more believable way than some science fiction. You can tell the author has been keeping up with current thinking on simulated selves and Artificial Intelligence. "Backup. A Perfect, perfectly seductive name for the scan and sim." As I said, this story has most everything I look for in a cyberpunk story on paper. In practice, though, I couldn't help but feel like all of the things I wanted were boxes being ticked. Although the character work is far from poor, some the LGBTQ+ characters don't feel believable in a lived in-and-experienced kind of way. Sometimes rather than people, they are merely a lens. A much-needed one, but the dialogue ends up feeling stilted because of this frame. I think this is also close to unavoidable when you're exploring so many high concepts and need a way to articulate each viewpoint. The dialogue becomes the vehicle for large info dumps, particularly in the first half 50 pages where it isn't so much a story as a few people at a party telling you what post-capitalism is and why it is bad. "...we’re problems to be solved, not citizens. That’s why you never hear politicians talking about ‘citizens,’ it’s all ‘taxpayers,’ as though the salient fact of your relationship to the state is how much you pay." Coupled with a couple reoccurring annoyances, this book ended up being one that I returned too without much enthusiasm despite its interesting themes. If I had to read “Hubert, etc.” One more time when no other characters last name was ever mentioned, for instance, I was going to throw the book against a wall. Luckily that's just for around 60 pages or so. If you can make it through the info dumps, strange pacing, and the annoying cadence that I felt was there, you should end up being glad to have read it—as I am. "No matter how hard you try, the little fuckers always generation gap you."

Photo of Ben Burns
Ben Burns@benburns
2 stars
Feb 8, 2022

After all those years of xkcd making fun of him, I thought I'd better read something by Cory Doctorow. Walkaway sounded really interesting. There's a lot to like: the concept is cool, and as a critique of our current version of capitalism and where it might be going, the book succeeds in making me appreciate the brokenness of our fake-meritocratic society, which is full of poverty in a time when we should have enough to go around. But. It's just so exhausting. The characters talk like essays, not like humans -- post-scarcity-anarchist shop talk through dialogue. This creates a serious tell-not-show problem. Every time I felt my worldview being slightly expanded as I went about my day reading the news, I wanted to add a star. Every time I was actually reading the book and having to wade through the dialogue, I wanted to remove one or give up altogether. I can't remember the last time I didn't finish a book. I never do it. I was very tempted this time.

Photo of Luke Kanies
Luke Kanies@lak
3 stars
Dec 4, 2021

So much great stuff, but not a great story. Closest thing to a story that includes drones in the future we’ll see, and lots of other modern tech integrated in a slightly-plus-modern way, but... The story is crap, the dialog is worse, and half of the awesome tech is already here, and the other half won’t arrive for another 100 years. It’s like future anachronism.

Photo of Ben Nathan
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021

This was a really interesting book with ideas of what our future could look like. Doctorow is highly cynical of society as it stands (and rightly so) and it shows in this book. I enjoyed this and LOVED the characters. Had so much fun with this book.

Photo of Frank Meeuwsen
Frank Meeuwsen@frank
2 stars
Jul 30, 2021

I <3 Doctorow. I dig his writing online. Some of his previous books like Little Brother, Makers, For The Win are encrypted in my memory ;-) But Walkaway, for some reason, just doesn't stick with me. I find it hard to relate to the main characters, keep going page after page and find fun in the story. I didn't finish it. I might do so in the future. I hope a less dystopian future as Doctorow describes....

Photo of Bryan Alexander
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander
4 stars
Jul 29, 2021

Review, discussion, and feedback from fellow book club readers here.

Photo of Dan H
Dan H@dannagain
5 stars
Apr 25, 2024
Photo of Jayme Cochrane
Jayme Cochrane@jamesco
2 stars
Dec 20, 2023
Photo of Rob F
Rob F@raretrack
2 stars
Aug 21, 2023
Photo of Daniel Kilby
Daniel Kilby@d291173
4 stars
Jul 21, 2023
Photo of Rosie Yakob
Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob
5 stars
Mar 1, 2023
Photo of Dean Sas
Dean Sas@dsas
4 stars
Dec 18, 2022
Photo of Laura
5 stars
Nov 1, 2022
Photo of Christos
5 stars
Aug 31, 2022
Photo of Phil James
Phil James@philjames
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022
Photo of Katie Chua
Katie Chua@kchua
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Patrick Hof
Patrick Hof@courts
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Rosie Yakob
Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Cindy Lieberman
Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
4 stars
Mar 26, 2022
Photo of Dave Lehman
Dave Lehman@dlehman
5 stars
Dec 28, 2021
Photo of JC Sackett
JC Sackett@jcsackett
3 stars
Oct 20, 2021
Photo of Joe Woods
Joe Woods@woods
4 stars
Oct 16, 2021

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