Want You

Oh wow! This book, despite its heavy subject matter and tone, was so beautiful. Leka is incredible. So loving, so protective, everything I look for in a book boyfriend (and a real one of such men exist). Bitsy is just so sweet. And strong. I loved that she didn’t take any shit. I know this is probably going to be marketed as a taboo book, or be slammed because it’s a taboo book, but I don’t believe it is. It’s a story of growth, of two people who are in horrible situations trying to make the best of it. I don’t think there’s anything taboo about Leka and Bitsy’s relationship, it grows and changes as they do. I loved this book, I think you should read this book, but I get it may not be for everyone.

4.5 Stars I lovvvvvvved this story. Leka is the man (underlined, italicized, bolded, whatever you prefer for good emphasis). Bitsy was a little immature, but that is to be expected, I guess, since Leka always hid the roughest parts of their life from her. All in all it was a great read, and the epilogue was perfect.