War Storm
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War Storm

The #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen series comes to a stunning conclusion in War Storm. VICTORY COMES AT A PRICE. Mare Barrow learned this all too well when Cal’s betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now determined to protect her heart—and secure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her—Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all . . . starting with the crown on Maven’s head. But no battle is won alone, and before the Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the boy who broke her heart in order to defeat the boy who almost broke her. Cal’s powerful Silver allies, alongside Mare and the Scarlet Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is driven by an obsession so deep, he will stop at nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if it means demolish everything—and everyone—in his path. War is coming, and all Mare has fought for hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the little lightning girl be forever silenced? In the epic conclusion to Victoria Aveyard’s stunning series, Mare must embrace her fate and summon all her power . . . for all will be tested, but not all will survive. And don’t miss Broken Throne: A Red Queen Collection, featuring three brand-new novellas and other exclusive content, coming in April!
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Photo of Megan Street
Megan Street@meggy_cade
4 stars
May 31, 2024

It was quite slow to be honest but I loved it still.

Photo of E
2 stars
Apr 9, 2024

i think i just expected the ending to be more epic

Photo of Megan During
Megan During@megs22
5 stars
Oct 23, 2023

Just amazing

Photo of Ellie Tangeman
Ellie Tangeman@ellietange321
3 stars
May 17, 2023

The only think I remeber from this book were mare and cal hooking up maven dying mares purple hair. The ending with mare and cal together felt rushed but it still made me bawl my eyes out. I’m so happy I finally finished the series. The book was fine.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Syrina
3 stars
May 11, 2023

I hated the ending. Honestly I haven’t read a lot of YA in a while so it’s kinda shocking that the end was less…happily ever after…than most.

And a part of me wishes that the ending was a skin healer removing the M scar while Mare and Cal talk happily about their future

Photo of Joyce Linneweever
Joyce Linneweever@joyce
1.5 stars
May 8, 2023

This… was hard to get trough.. the politics became overwhelming and the story started to go in circles. I loved this series so much, but this book made me sad, not cause it ended but the ending was so weak. It lost a bit of the magnetic touch for me,

Photo of Ariel
2 stars
Apr 2, 2023

The ending.

Photo of Joana da Silva
Joana da Silva@julesdsilva
2 stars
Mar 5, 2023

So, this might be a controversial review but here it goes: I didn't really like this book. I might go out on a limb and say I didn't even like the other books, besides Red Queen. This is very hard, because I loved the first book, and I often recommend it. But the rest of the series? Boring. Evangeline Samos turned out to be one of the most interesting characters, and Mare Barrow got dull and predictable. It took me 2 years to finish this book, but I'm finally done with the Reds&Silvers.

Photo of Mélissa
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

** spoiler alert ** Une saga qui se termine. On dit enfin au revoir à Mare, Maven, Eve et Cal. Après une guerre qui a emporté bon nombre de gens, ça prend fin. Je suis ravie de voir que Mare et Cal ne finissent possiblement pas ensemble, pas après ce qu’ils ont vécu, pas après la mort de Maven. Même si j’en veux à Cal du regard qu’il a jeté à Mare. Maven parlons en, toujours fidèle à lui même, jusqu’à dans la mort. J’ai aimé lire le peu de chapitres sur son point de vue. Iris même si elle se veut différente, et au final semblable aux autres, manipulatrice, dans la vengeance. C’est un personnage qui a fait une entrée haut en couleur et que je quitte avec regret. J’aurais voulu savoir ce qu’elle deviendrait suite à sa défaite. Ève, le personnage que j’ai le plus apprécié, que ce soit pour son caractère, que pour le reste. J’ai aimé lire son point de vue, découvrir son amour envers Elane, envers son frère, voir à quel point elle était partagé. Un sentiment encore beaucoup d’actualité. Selon du coeur ou du sang. J’aurais pour elle aussi voulu lire un dernier chapitre, sur ses sentiments suite au décès de son père, découvrir sa nouvelle vie avec sa petite amie et son frère. En somme, j’ai aimée le livre, j’aurais voulu quelques chapitres en plus, mais l’histoire est close. Aujourd’hui je dis donc au revoir avec tristesse à Red queen et à ses personnages mais je remercie l’autrice de m’avoir autant fait attacher à ses personnages

Photo of grace richards
grace richards@gracerichards11
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023

** spoiler alert ** this book is so long, like so so long and there really isn’t much point. it all leads up to the final battle which is over within about 20 pages and then everyone goes their separate ways??!;?&! it was so slow and tedious. plus not enough cameron, i missed her.

Photo of Pri
4 stars
Jan 18, 2023

Victoria Aveyard I will be sending you my therapy bill!

Photo of Courtney
4 stars
Dec 30, 2022

3.75/5⭐️ The conclusion of Mare Barrow’s fight for equality among the Reds and Silvers. I enjoyed the battle and how we had POVs of the different women in the story on opposing sides. The ending left me wanting- like I wanted more about what happened with Mare’s decision and where Cal and her stand. I loved Evangeline’s character development and her protectiveness of her brother and Elane. I really liked Cameron’s story and her development. And Farley is just bada$$. I felt some pity for Maven. Like he was messed up and horrible but who would he have been had it not been for his wretched evil mother.

Photo of indy roozendal
indy roozendal@indy
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022

This books is, by far, the best out of the whole series. I loved the various point of views, the character growths and surprinsgly.. Mare Barrow too. In the end, I am saddened to see that I've finished the series, but glad I ended up reading it. Even if not every book in the series was one I loved; this one topt all. Some things were left a bit.. yeah, not quite finished in my opinion but overall; a great book either way

Photo of Marchelle
2 stars
Oct 18, 2022

2/5 Rating Meh.

Photo of Shylah Saunders
Shylah Saunders@shylahreads
3 stars
Sep 10, 2022

Hard for me to get into, was probably still too sad from the previous book. The ending wasn’t what I was hoping for.

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
4 stars
Sep 7, 2022

Disclaimer: As always with series such as these, I find myself writing more ranty-fangirl reviews instead of a super insightful literary-type review. Bare with me bookish friends. I really tried to take my time to read this book, but about halfway through I gave in to desire and sped through to the finish line and I am suffering a serious book hangover right now. I always get this way after finishing a series. I'm always a little sad to see the characters I've read about for years just go. BUT... That ending was super satisfying AND I hope I'm not reading into things wrongly (see what I did there-haha) but I think Victoria Aveyard left the ending a little open? And it might be the start of something new? Perhaps a spin-off?! Now about the characters- I really like Mare, and I think that might be an unpopular opinion but I absolutely like her a lot. She's gutsy, she stands up for what she believes in and doesn't let her love life get too much into the way of that. She's grown throughout the series and it is evident especially in the last book. Girl is making her own choices, keeping up with General Farley (another favorite of mine because she is completely bad-ass and I want to be her best friend), and not taking any crap from men. really enjoyed Maven and Cal's POVs. Maven's mind is just as topsy-turvy as anyone could guess and Evangeline's POV's were pure gold! The only point of view I didn't care too much for was Iris's. They were fundamental to the story, I'll give her that, but dear lord I couldn't wait to get to Evangeline and Mare's and anyone else's POV fast enough. There is so much more I want to say, but I'll just be ranting on and on. Before I finish, I have to applaud Victoria Aveyard. The book as a whole was amazing, and I didn't want to put it down- but what I really loved were the one-liners that put into perspective difficult situations that we must all face. I wrote so many down. So thank you Victoria Averyard, for having the courage to stick it to the man. It's actually 4.5 stars.

Photo of Kayla
4 stars
Aug 29, 2022

I am obsessed with the characters in this universe and that is truly what keeps me reading, the universe and the concepts are so raw and heartbreaking but also so hopeful and encouraging at the same time. Mare is such a bad a** female main character, but you get to see her internal struggles with herself as she try’s to do what is right versus what her heart wants. You see her being tugged in multiple directions amidst the world crumbling around her. This is such a perfect fantasy series and I am craving more already after just finishing it! My only complaints are: it was very long and I feel like it could’ve been a little more concise & even though I did enjoy the multiple perspectives throughout the book it did get a little confusing and convoluted. Sometimes if I stopped halfway in a chapter it was hard to remember whose perspective I was reading from. Overall, a great addition to the series.

Photo of Shay Henrion
Shay Henrion@shaysbookshelf
2 stars
Aug 28, 2022

Lol. That’s all.

Photo of Nicole Dykeman
Nicole Dykeman@holobookthief
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

Let me start off by saying this: I am so SAD that this series is over. The book itself didn’t make me cry or anything, but the Red Queen world is so wonderful and I’m sad about leaving it, and all of its characters, behind. As far as series conclusions go, I think this book was a great one. There were things left to be desired at the very end, but overall, it’s one of my favorite series finales that I’ve read. One particular thing I would have liked to see more of at the very end: Evangeline and Elane. I was rooting for those two like crazy the whole time, and while it was nice to hear through Mare that things were doing okay for them, I would have liked to see it for myself. Also, I ship Cal and Mare with all of my heart and soul, so that moment in the final battle when things were turning around? I had to close the book for a moment and calm my racing heart. Even still, I have to say that my favorite relationships throughout the series were those between Mare and Farley and Mare and Evangeline. I love how they developed over the series - starting off rather strained, but evolving into more strong and supportive bonds. Many of my favorite scenes were their interactions with one another. Overall, if I had to pick a favorite book in the series, it would be King’s Cage. It just had everything I could have ever wanted. But the end of this series was not a disappointment. A nice wrap up to a fantastic YA fantasy series.

Photo of Gretchen Sartele
Gretchen Sartele@gretchenplz
4 stars
Aug 25, 2022

I will defend this series. I fail to understand the criticism of this series. What a lesson on good vs. bad, and that there really is no good or bad, just shades of grey in between. Good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. Good thing can be done for bad reasons. Bad things can be done for good reasons. This series is about the power of empathy, second and third chances, allowing others to learn and grow. And that’s so important. What a fitting finale to an excellent and mature way of showcasing young adults in situations far beyond their control or comprehension. Bravo, Victoria!

Photo of taci
0.5 stars
Aug 18, 2022

super lento

talvez um dia volte a pegar nele

Photo of marilynn
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Can I cry? I feel like crying. Too late I'm crying What am I supposed to do now that I've finished it. I feep empty and numb. I wanna cry again.

Photo of Cynthi
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022

I feel empty. I loved this series and I'm so sad it's over. I didn't care for iris pov it was kinda annoying to push through but I loved everything else. the ending they should have ended up together.

Photo of Beckah brooks
Beckah brooks@becks_reads
2 stars
Aug 12, 2022

I did it, I finished the Red Queen series. Though I did have to listen to this as an audio book instead of reading. It was so long and daunting. But I’m glad I finished it, Aveyard definitely has a way with words and descriptions. And I liked how most things played out. This world, powers, back story, everything was so well done. I’m incredibly impressed. - I still can’t bring myself to like Cal, I don’t like his vibes at all. Maven is still a favorite. The depth we got in this book was great, I loved his chapters. I wish he could have had a different ending. Also Kilorn, he was such a great character I would have loved to see more of him. He brought the perfect amount of comfort and comedic relief. Though me wanting more of him may have to do with the fact that I fell in love with him a little bit. Mare, oh Mare. She got a little less self absorbed in this book so that was a relief. She grew a lot, and became more aware of her family, Farley, Evangeline, and others. - One thing I kept waiting for was something else. Something special. I kept expecting Mare to be able to use her powers even surrounded by Silent Stone or an Arven. Something to really throw us for a loop. But regardless it was great.


Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict

“I take the time to look at her. To see Mare Barrow for who she is right now. Not who I remember. And not who I wish she could be.


But she doesn’t belong to anyone. Not even my brother… We’re alone together, she and I.”

Page 563


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Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict

“M for Maven, M for monster, M for mine, M for Mare”

Page 561

Omg why do I feel bad for him

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict

He has always despised Julian. "Did you rehearse that, Julian? I always wondered why you spent so much time alone in your library. It's too easy to throw the barb back in his face. "I doubt anyone spends mnore time alone than you do," I say, again moving forward to display my brand.

Page 426

Mare this whole page is just 🤭

Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict

"And what makes this library so,.. interesting?" she asks, her disdain evident. I can't help myself. "Probably the books."

Page 130

This whole page was so funny to me for some reason 😭

Photo of Pri

“I tried, Mare.”

Photo of Kiara

Love has a way of cutting us apart like nothing else

Page 278
Photo of Quirine Smith
Quirine Smith@bookreader321

I could set the world on fire and call it rain-Maven Calore


Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

“I’m done with crowns,” he murmurs to the top of my head. “Finally,” I whisper.

Took him long but... FINALLY. Also, too many highlights from one single book but meh

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

“And what makes this library so . . . interesting?” she asks, her disdain evident. I can’t help myself. “Probably the books.”

I laughed along with Farley. This was Mare's best comeback, periodt

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

Instead of embracing him, I grab his arm, just for a moment. Pull him close enough for one last whisper, one last barb from Evangeline Samos before she disappears. Without her crown, without her house, without her colors. To become a new person entirely. “If it isn’t too late for me, it isn’t too late for you.”

I love Evangeline now. She broke free, unlike so many others, for the love of her life. This line from her, to HIM, made me cry

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

“Look down on my country all you want,” he murmurs, and I see a shadow of the temper he works to keep hidden. “Question the way things are. Perhaps the answers will be to your liking.” Then he steps back a little, returning to the picture of a politician. An ordinary man of ordinary charm. “Of course, I hope you enjoy our dinner this evening. My husband, Carmadon, has been busy enough preparing for you all.”

Davidson is killing 'em with his show off of democracy rn & am screaming & lovin' it! yeah, democracy is not without probs & in the present times, some leaders r misusing the ideals of democracy. But it'll be always be the superior form of government.