
I was thinking of naming it something like *We Were Snobs, but after the twist, I ended up liking it—plot twist: the real snob was me."

Holy SHIZZLES what the freak I cried a lil bit at the end finished it in a few hours
1 star deducted because I kept reading Gat as gyatt

Honestly an easy read with the unique writing! I love short chapters haha. The ending hurt the heart a little bit (a lot) I love a twist.

It’s was a little bit boring to begin with but the last half of the book made up for it. The plot twits were good.

** spoiler alert ** 2 words: Plot Twist I like how some of the chapters are excerpts and variations from different folk talkes. It somehow gives much more life to the plot. Would love to read more books by E. Lockhart. (Should have finished this book by the time it was recommended to me by a close friend.)

Mind-boggling. I'm still at loss for words. I'm not sure if I should praise it or not. YOU DECIDE. still a must read!

this book sucked tbh😭😭 the writing style irked me, it was pretty boring and felt bland overall!! a lot of people enjoy this book, and i have zero idea why😭 i dnf it then went back to reading it and the ending made me regret everything. not worth it, go read something else😭

i don’t know what i expected but it wasn’t this. overhyped and predictable af. also messy and chaotic, constantly some names and details, i was pretty much always lost

** spoiler alert ** I think to an extent this just wasn’t for me. Although, I do really gravitate towards summer/cottage/new england/YA reads. But the writing style and plot was just not for me. This was a paaaaainful read. Wow. I read about a third of the book before coming to check the Goodreads reviews to see if it would get better. Then skipped to about 2/3 of the way through (didn’t seem to miss anything), and got the ending. Goodness. So this book was about… privileged, obnoxious, whiny, racist, pretentious white people fighting about real estate amongst each other. With a tiny little splash of manslaughter that no one talks about?!?! Kay.

I did not like the story I DNFed it

It was cleverly written and the ending left me in tears. Definitely worth a read.

moje první přečtená kniha v angličtině. já vím, je to trošku pozdě, hlavně když vím, že anglicky umím dobře. holt jsem se čtení v aj bála a teď toho lituji, protože bych anglicky mohla číst už dobré tři čtyři roky. ale teď už k samotné recenzi. tohle bylo něco úplně jiného, než čtu normálně. není to romantická fantasy ani klasika pojednávající o politice nebo společnosti. we were liars vypráví cadence, dívka, která pochází z bohaté rodiny a tato rodina se každé léto sejde na soukromém ostrově a bydlí zde několik měsíců. cadence se však jednou bouchne do hlavy v moři a má z toho fyzické následky. hlavně si nic z toho léta, kdy se jí nehoda stala, nepamatuje. a nikdo jí nechce nic vysvětlit. od čtení jsem se v podstatě nemohla odtrhnout, četlo se to úplně samo, i když se tam toho až tak moc nedělo. rodina sinclairů byla vykreslená neskutečně dobře, každá postava byla něčím jedinečná a kniha mě do děje dokázala bez problémů přenést, což se stává málokdy. úplně jsem z ní cítila moře, pečenou zeleninu a borůvkové koláče. má takový detektivní nádech, protože společně s cady nevíme, co se vlastně stalo, zato víme, že se něco důležitého tají. během čtení jsem měla několik nápadů, co se tak mohlo stát, ale musím tedy říct, že jsem se pořádně spletla. autorka vymyslela takový plot twist, na který nepřijde snad vůbec nikdo. we were liars mě nejednou rozplakala, ale zároveň jsem se u ní i culila a smála, což je opět něco, co se mi nestává u každé knížky. . tento příběh jsem hodnotila 4,5*/5*. recenzi píšu až pár týdnů po dočtení a na hodnocení se dívám už trošku jinak, možná bych půl hvězdy až hvězdu ubrala, protože ten plot twist byl přece jen trochu přetažený za vlasy, ale jelikož to byla moje první anglicky přečtená kniha, asi se na ní budu vždycky dívat trošku jinak, v lepším světle. pokud jste ještě nečetli nic v angličtině a chtěli byste začít, we were liars vám vřele doporučuji, ta angličtina je opravdu jednoduchá!

** spoiler alert ** this book broke me so much like i needed a break from reading YA and romance books for like a month or something because my heart was so broken. i've loved the book although the beginning of the story was really confusing and i didn't quite get it. It took me also forever to really like the "liars" like those 3 characters who died eventually and it took me also forever to get to know about all the characters at once. it was a good book with a great but heartbroken plottwist!

We were liars is the story of a seemingly perfect, first world family, the book starts with a map of the private island they spend their summer holidays on and a family tree, so, obviously, it contains a lot of family / fortune drama... We see the events through the eyes of the very unreliable narrator, Cadence, the oldest niece of the patriarch / main drama starter / $$ provider. She is trying to reconstruct her memories after she suffered a traumatic mysterious event that made her have selective amnesia What I liked about the book : * Gat Patil, the love interest / the only character I could almost relate to and care about; * The fairy tales; * Johnny is fun; * For a while, it really made me feel like I spent my summer breaks on that island with them; * The mystery; What I didn't like that much : * The M. Night Shyamalan ending, don't get me wrong, I like books with twists and turns, but this one felt just a bit too much; * Besides Gat, the characters seemed a bit posh and disconnected from the real world, I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if they had some redeeming qualities; Overall, it was ok, I enjoyed the ride, but I probably won't read it a second time.

Would rather prefer a punch to the face by a professional boxer, than reading this atrocity ever again 😃

Echoing someone else's review: the kind of book you can't wait to finish so you can throw it out the window in frustration. Should and could have been so. much. better.

3.5 stars, but I'm roundin' it up. The final twist was kind of ridiculous and didn't really make sense, but was shocking nonetheless (which is kind of the point?). Also, my jaw dropped to the ground when she said she was shot by her father on the 3rd page... but this was just the first of many strange metaphors for the narrator's emotions. Pretty cool and mucho twisty story though!

DNF at 40% Hated it. The characters are annoying and boring. The writing style is dramatic in a way that makes it unappetising. The storyline is weird in a "I'm not gonna tell you anything of significance to create some mystery" way. I don't think I'll pick it up again but you never know.

This book is definitely a 3 stars. I know that the narrator is supposed to be unreliable and it's intended that way but I couldn't help to hate the way she says anything, it's super annoying and snobbish. I mean the whole story is pretty alluring and it was quite worth it to stick around, but I almost dropped this book just because of her writing. I don't know much about "American Rich Kids" but her character is just not very enjoyable, I did feel bad for her (a little bit) in the end, but it's quite hard for me to feel anything (throughout the rest of the book) for her because I believe her character arc could have a little something.. Though, I was not bothered by the fairy tale narration, I think it was quite nice to incorporate something different in a Contemporary YA Book. But maybe untangle it along the book would be great. It's hard to describe what I like about the book but if you ever feel like you want to stop reading, don't.

This was so hyped....

A bit confusing but kept me entertained

I loved the writing style!

I liked the writing style and the book was a nice, easy read. There’s been a lot of hype around the ending, but I found that it wasn’t that interesting? I would have been more impressed if the twist wasn’t built up the way it was.

So I am not sure what I think of this book. I read it because I heard there was a plot twist and during the whole book I just wanted to finish it to find out. But then around page 50 I totally got the plot twist and knew what was gonna happen. I kept reading because I wanted to be sure 100% that I was right and turned out I was which was kind of disappointing because I really wanted to be surprised. I still liked the ending and I was still sad even though I knew what was going to happen. I liked the way it was written and I think the ending is totally the best part of the story. I think it has a good plot and I like the writing but, I don’t know, there was something lacking. Also I’ve seen a lot of people say they were really surprised with the plot twist so if you like stories like this, I still recommend you try reading it, you may not figure it out so the element of surprise is still there for you. Overall, I’m not mad I read it, I would not reread it but I had a great time. And it is a short book so I could read it in a day which was cool to get into reading again and also add a book to my 2021 readings. I’d say if you like suspense but haven’t read a lot of the genre, it is a good YA to start with. Which was actually my case. But if you have read a lot of it, or if you like very surprising and mind blowing endings, this might not be for you.

My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman.
I suffer migraines. I do not suffer fools.
I like a twist of meaning.
I endure.

I find a Sharpie and write on my hands.
Left: Be a little. Right: Kinder.

"Some people have nothing. We have everything. The only person who used the family money for charity was Gran. Now she's gone and all anyone's worried about is her pearls and her ornaments and her real estate. Nobody is trying to use their money for good. Nobody is trying to make the world any better."

"You love me, don't you, Cadence? You're all I have now. You're not like Dad."

There, he would never even have a name.
Now, he was free to go forth and make a name for himself in the wide, wide world.
And maybe,
just maybe,
he'd come back one day,
and burn that
to the ground.

"I'd a million times rather live and risk and have it all end badly than stay in the box I've been in for the past two years. It's a tiny box, Mirren. Me and Mummy. Me and my pills. My and my pain. I don't want to live there anymore."

Our youth is wasted
We will not waste it
Remember my name
'Cause we made history
Na na na na, na na na

Life feels beautiful that day.
The four of us Liars, we have always been.
We always will be.

"If I die," I sad as we look out at the view, "I mean when i die, throw my ashes in the water of the tiny beach. Then when you miss me, you can climb up here, look down, and think how awesome I was."
that would be so nice irl as well