Degenerates: Voices for Peace 2015 Issue
Degenerates: Voices for Peace is an anthology of poetry made to spark the tough conversations; made to open up ideas about reoccurring and troubling issues going on among us all. We feature works of several topics such as Bullying, Domestic Violence, War, Sexuality, Free Speech and much more. These artists have come together to share and shed some insight on the current state of the world and where we all may be headed. We present ourselves to you, illustrious readers, and hope that our words leave something with you. Degenerates: Voices for Peace is published through Weasel Press, an indie publisher seeking to publish the best literature in an already hectic world. The anthology features several amazing and enthusiatic poets and artists. They are: Martin Appleby, Michael Garrett Ashby II, Gary Beck, Bruce Boston, Cathy Bryant, Jane Chance, Nicole Deardorff, Szabo Eduard Dragomir, M.J. Duggan, Robin Wyatt Dunn, R.K. Gold, John Grey, Azreil Hayes, Kevin Heaton, Sarah Henry, Ce Jac, Mathias Jansson, Sonia Karen, P.A. Levy, Vimeesh Maniyur, Strider Marcus Jones, J.W. Mark, Stephen McQuiggan, Kai Neidhardt, Scott Thomas Outlar, Kristin Perkins, Richard King Perkins II, Dustin Pickering, David S. Pointer, Neil S. Reddy, Lavinia Roberts, Meggie Royer, Jessica Therese, William S. Tribell, Jane "The Rev" Wenninger, Lynn White, Dr. Ernest Williamson III, Abigail Wyatt