Weather Girl
Easy read

Weather Girl

A TV meteorologist and a sports reporter scheme to reunite their divorced bosses with unforecasted results in this charming romantic comedy from the author of The Ex Talk. Ari Abrams has always been fascinated by the weather, and she loves almost everything about her job as a TV meteorologist. Her boss, legendary Seattle weatherwoman Torrance Hale, is too distracted by her tempestuous relationship with her ex-husband, the station's news director, to give Ari the mentorship she wants. Ari, who runs on sunshine and optimism, is at her wits' end. The only person who seems to understand how she feels is sweet but reserved sports reporter Russell Barringer. In the aftermath of a disastrous holiday party, Ari and Russell decide to team up to solve their bosses' relationship issues. Between secret gifts and double dates, they start nudging their bosses back together. But their well-meaning meddling backfires when the real chemistry builds between Ari and Russell. Working closely with Russell means allowing him to get to know parts of herself that Ari keeps hidden from everyone. Will he be able to embrace her dark clouds as well as her clear skies?
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Photo of Ian Brakspear
Ian Brakspear@ibrakspear
4 stars
Feb 23, 2025

I appear to be on a little bit of Romance phase again as this if my 3rd Romance books Back-to-back, Am I mad about no I am not as it seems to be exactly what I need at the moment. I really enjoyed this one, I loved the character, TV Setting and just the vibe of the characters growing over the course of the book.


Ari Abrams is a Seattle television meteorologist working at her dream job for the woman who’s been her idol since she was a young girl. Torrance Hale is the chief meteorologist, and her ex-husband Seth is the news director who also functions as the station manager. It should all be ideal, but Torrance & Seth have made work conditions a nightmare with their personal acrimony towards each other. Sports reporter Russell Barringer and Ari have an ongoing conversation about it that develops into something bigger following a disastrous holiday party. They jokingly suggested that their bosses just needed a nudge to remind them of why they were once a loving couple, but the next day, Ari and Russell decide they will conspire together to make it happen.


I really enjoyed every aspect of this story; I loved seeing Ari learning to live with depression and how she wanted to start to remove the stigma around it. I also love seeing her and Russell develop a relationship built on truth, I loved the little touches of the Chapters having “Weather forecasts” that give you a little insight into the chapter and what was to come. The Mental Health representation in this was also incredible.


Weather Girl was a tender, humorous, and poignant story.

Photo of Claire
3.5 stars
Jun 16, 2024

3.5 ⭐️

ooooh weather girl!

this was such a fun book, which makes it all the more annoying that i had to claw my way through it, (ironically, once you read it) fighting my brain every step of the way.

for some reason, i was just not completely sold on ari and russ together??? I HAVE NO IDEA WHY

they were cute and fun when they were being evil and plotting! i knew i theoretically wanted them together??? but for some reason i never fully bought it. like for a sec i thought it was gonna end with them not together and the lack of internal/external rioting from me was disturbing.

ok that said- really cool to see the mental health representation! AND — really enjoyed the news station setting, as well as a Career (Weather)Girl focus!! mentorship!!! ambitions!!!! we LOVE that!!! also torrence and seth really SLAMMED that uno reverse card down, and let me tell you, my jaw was on the floor.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Mel
Mel @melsbooknook
2 stars
Feb 3, 2024

What is a rom com without chemistry between its leads? Nothing. Just flat. The writing is good but romcoms are very much character and relationship driven. Ari and Russell are really interesting characters individually so it’s a shame they didn’t really work for me as a couple.

Photo of Tatiana
3 stars
Jan 17, 2024

When two coworkers scheme to get their divorced bosses back together, love comes out of left field. This book was surprisingly steamy. Filled with love and cuteness, Weather Girl provides an intense new look at mental health in the face of a blossoming romance. Despite its successes, I feel as though it misses some nuance and the romance moves too fast to lack the proper development. I enjoyed the book overall and would recommend to all, but make sure to read the trigger warnings prior.

Photo of Ireland Compton
Ireland Compton@icompto
4 stars
Dec 18, 2023


Photo of Samantha Huster
Samantha Huster@lostpoet
4 stars
Sep 19, 2023

This was such a well-written and fun rom-com. Ari and Russell has characters also bring some very interesting themes to light, especially in a rom-com setting. Ari is a flawed FMC with depression. Russell is a leading man who does not look like a Hemsworth or any of the famous Chrises. But Rachel Lynn Solomon makes these two facts feel normal and like they are merely facts like a character being a redhead as opposed to something to applaud and highlight in blogs (the irony of it being the focus of my review is not lost on me). I really enjoyed this one.

Photo of Elizabeth Wood
Elizabeth Wood@ejwood41
4 stars
Aug 21, 2023

3.5 rounded up to 4 ⭐️ I loved the realness of the characters in this book. The aspects of depression and love for people of all sizes made the characters so normal and I loved that! But the whole romance and parent trapping their bosses was a little unrealistic to me. And the ending was tied up a little too neatly.

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
4 stars
Aug 11, 2023

I genuinely really liked this book. It was such a calm and sweet read. Such a sweet couple, and great rom com vibes.

Photo of Joana da Silva
Joana da Silva@julesdsilva
3 stars
Mar 5, 2023

I have always been fascinated with weather prediction and that has only been heightened by watching the k-drama Forecasting Love and Weather. This book filled a bit of that fascination for me, and you can't argue that Weather Girl isn't the cutest title (and nickname). I picked this one up because I really liked The Ex Talk but it didn't do all of that for me. The representation is very important, having characters who are flawed and just very human was a plus for me - although my brain is so formatted to the perfect rom-coms out there that it's hard to picture a fat MC (i know, it's bad, but a girl is used to escaping, or trying to, from real life when reading). It's an entertaining and cute read but it was all very easy and lukewarm. It read like a 'acquaintances to friends to good friends to good friends who are in a relationship'. It's a good palate cleanser between other books.

Photo of Alexa M
Alexa M@alexasversion
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023

4.5 This is so me-coded. I LOVEDDD THIS. Russell is actually my dream and I related to Ari, heavily. I knew I would enjoy this because of the comparison to Set It Up and this was seriously everything. I NEED more books like this. Not necessarily friends to lovers but like coworkers to lovers? Acquaintances to lovers? EITHER WAY, I had such a fun time. Not a full 5 because some #sexual scenes were a little odd (for me) lol.

Photo of Jess Griffin
Jess Griffin@jessgriffin
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

a new fave book !! this discusses depression so well and it was so great seeing emotions i heavily relate to so well. i saw so much of myself in the main character so this is definitely a new comfort read !! i also loved the communication, and although there were slight slip ups, the characters discussed their issues and feelings with one another. i really liked that when there were slip ups, the characters themselves acknowledged it and corrected themselves. the entire concept was just so good pls read this !!!!!

Photo of Jennifer mitchell
Jennifer mitchell@jennmitchell16
2 stars
Jan 20, 2023

Going to go out on a limb and claim this as the most disappointing read of 2022. I was SO EXCITED about this book because I loved The Ex Talk and love how RLS incorporates Jewish representation into her stories. Unfortunately I just didn’t care about these characters or this story at all. I didn’t feel like the main characters had any chemistry. And overall was just really bored. I had to force myself to finish the book.

Photo of kels
4 stars
Jan 10, 2023

while yes, this is a rom-com, it also touched heavily on mental health. this book described the feelings of a depressive episode so well, it made me cry numerous times.

Photo of Lyric Hooey
Lyric Hooey@lyricldm
4 stars
Jan 6, 2023

Cute as heck. Loved having the male protagonist be plus-size, the mental health discussion, and the healthy single parent discussion as well.

Photo of Alissa
Alissa @lissam
4 stars
Nov 11, 2022

This was cute, a happy ending romance that made me happy lol

Photo of Nicole Renaud
Nicole Renaud @nicolerenaud
3.5 stars
Oct 22, 2022

A classic rom com

Photo of Lindsey Davis Blanchard
Lindsey Davis Blanchard @lindseyrose
5 stars
Oct 5, 2022

i’m obsessed with this book and don’t think i’ll ever get over it. i was crying through most of this simply because i related to it so much and thought ari and russell were so perfect. this book reminded me that it is okay to feel the way that i do and i’m deserving of love and care. i hope it can make someone else feel that way too ❤️ i’m going to go cry some more now…

Photo of Kathryn
4 stars
Oct 2, 2022

“Do you want to be my partner?” he asks with this shy half smile.

“Yes. Save me from the traumatic middle school flashbacks.”

“I refuse to believe that Ari Abrams was ever picked last for anything.”

This book was so cute and so insightful. The representation here felt so authentic to me and I really loved that. But the workplace lines felt a little blurry to me and I do wish we got more time with Russel and Ari together but overall I had a fun time reading this.


Photo of sydney
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

rachel lynn solomon just gets me

Photo of Julia Li
Julia Li@julliiali
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022

I loved reading about Ari's job as a TV meteorologist because it was depicted pretty accurately to what it actually is, and many people have misconceptions about weather reporters. Her sessions with her therapist about her mom and other things going on in her life were written so tenderly that it encourages me to think about finding the therapist who is right for me. I could learn from her mental health journey and parental relationships as they relate to romantic relationships.

Photo of Hannah
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022

we love jewish representation!!

Photo of marie
4 stars
Jul 8, 2022


Photo of Liz Griffin
Liz Griffin@lizgriffinwords
5 stars
Jun 29, 2022

I blazed through this one and it felt like a warm hug. Another one for the stack of “men in fiction are far better people than any men in real life.” Also a lovely portrayal of elements of Judaism, yet totally accessible for non-Jewish readers.

Content notes: parental abandonment, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, some scenes of explicit sexual content

Photo of Alyssa O
Alyssa O@soundsgouda
2 stars
Jun 7, 2022

I was really excited to read this book as it features a main character living with depression, plus-sized love interest, and single parent as a love interest. This author usually features diverse characters which I really like and I enjoyed Ex-Talk so thought this would be really good!! I found the storyline and plot to be very cluttered with so many subplots and additional characters and so it was hard to focus on the main storyline. I feel not enough attention was paid to the main character’s mental health and honestly seemed to be brushed aside, aside from calling it a “gloomy day” I would have liked to see more advocacy woven into the book. The author did not give a fair and honest view of what living with depression is actually like. Just okay, I will read another book by this author but hopeful the plot is much stronger.


Photo of SG

AT FIRST, I assume it's a jazz club. But the music is decidedly not jazz. It's...I'm not even sure what to call it, but there are three banjos and a glockenspiel.

Rachel Lynn Solomon is certifiably hilarious in every way.

Photo of SG

What I don't say: we weren't enough for her.

Page 65
This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of SG

With glee, the twins grab the dreidel again. I have a little dreidel, I made it out of Aunt Ari's existential angst.

Page 59
Photo of SG

THERE'S A LIMIT to the number of times one can hear the dreidel song without losing one's mind. I hit that limit about a dozen I have a little dreidels ago, and yet I paste on my sunshine smile for my niece and nephew, who could probably keep playing until midnight without getting bored.

Page 58

I could not agree any more that after hearing the song 592872920 times, you end up wanting to gauge your ears out.

Photo of Keira 💫
Keira 💫@dirtyhandssidechick

And an unmistakable whitish-gray streaked across my smiling face, blotting out my left eye and half my nose and ending in a beautiful bird-shit dimple. My face only. Chris and Russell and Meg keep on grinning. WE’RE ALWAYS HERE 4 YOU, my ass. “Well. I’m sufficiently humbled,” I say after a few moments of stunned silence. “At least my hair looks okay?” “Am I allowed to laugh?” A sound that might be a giggle escapes my own mouth. “Please. Someone has to.” My brother cracks up, and I’m not sure whether to be offended or to join him. Eventually, I give in. “We’re taking your picture with it anyway,” Alex says when he can breathe again. “It’s your first billboard. That’s a huge fucking deal.” He claps a hand on my shoulder. “The first of many.”

Page 15

Lmao, this is hilarious

Photo of Alayna Carson
Alayna Carson@alaynathatsme

"The people who love us the most have the power to hurt us the most, too."

Chapter 12

Photo of Rebecca Briesemeister
Rebecca Briesemeister@becbec624

“What I'm realizing,-is that I like myself the most when I'm around you. And I think it's because I'm the most honest version of myself. I don't have to try as hard, and I don't have to hide. I can just... be."

Page 254
Photo of Rebecca Briesemeister
Rebecca Briesemeister@becbec624

I feel like I never stop laughing when I'm with him.

Page 185
Photo of Rebecca Briesemeister
Rebecca Briesemeister@becbec624

"It's not easy to keep loving someone who's given up on you"

Page 93