Welcome to Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams

I don't know why I waited so long to read this book because I utterly adored it. I tried to read it once before and put it down 50 pages in because I just wasn't in the right mood for the book and then I forgot about it for about six months. I wish I had read it sooner, but it was the perfect rainy day read for me. I am dreaming about old fashioned sweet shops, craving sweets I'd all but forgotten about. I can safely say I had completely forgotten about those bubblegum golf balls until this book and remember loving them. I miss penny sweets and this book has reminded me of this fact. I adored the parallels between Rosie and Lilian's life and Lilian's story was utterly heartbreaking and heartwarming. I want that woman in my life, she was hilarious in her sarcasm and brand of cynicism and sweetness. I adored the interaction between her and Rosie and how utterly similar they were. I just really liked this book and can't wait to read more of Jenny Colgan's writing, although I may pace myself.

The story takes a lot of time to develop turning into a book that should be enjoyed slowly. This is not my cup of tea, I usually want to sit on the edge of the chair throughout the majority of the book. Although the main character Rosie made the ride very pleasant. I loved the "surprise" of having the story of Rosie great-aunt Lilian told when she was young which made me cherish Lilian even more. I don't even get me started on the sweets. Not only at the beginning of each chapter we have a bit of sassy Lilian (at least I think is her talking) about all kinds of sweets, but also recipes to make some of them.