Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

This volume of eighteen articles offers: Andrew R. Dyck, "The Fragments of Heliodorus Homericus"; Hayden Pelliccia, "Aeschylus, Eumenides 64-88 and the Ex Cathedra Language of Apollo"; G. Zuntz, "Aeschyli Prometheus"; Georgia Ann Machemer, "Medicine, Music, and Magic: The Healing Grace of Pindar's Fourth Nemean"; Carlo O. Pavese, "On Pindar fr. 169"; Deborah Steiner, "Pindar's 'Oggetti Parlanti'"; Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, "Parody and Later Greek Comedy"; Noel Robertson, "Athens' Festival of the New Wine"; Richard F. Thomas, "Two Problems in Theocritus (Id. 5.49, 22.66)"; Nita Krevans, "Ilia's Dream: Ennius, Virgil, and the Mythology of Seduction"; Benjamin Victor, "Remarks on the Andria of Terence"; Cynthia Damon, "Comm. Pet. 10"; Harold Gotoff, "Oratory: The Art of Illusion"; Henri J. W. Wijsman, "Ascanius, Gargara and Female Power in Georgics 3.269-270"*; Robert V. Albis, "Aeneid 2.57-59: The Ennian Background"; Mario Geymonat, "Callimachus at the End of Aeneas' Narration"; Alessandro Barchiesi, "Future Reflexive: Two Modes of Allusion and Ovid's Heroides"; and Monika Asztalos, "Boethius as a Transmitter of Greek Logic to the Latin West: The Categories." * By misunderstanding this article was published in an uncorrected form in HSCP, vol. 94 (1992). Any reference should be made to the article as published here.
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