What the Dog Saw And Other Adventures

Excellent, excellent series of essays. Would read anything by Gladwell.

Slightly interesting, though I feel like it was slightly less engaging than Outliers. Towards the end of the book I wanted nothing more than to be just done with it. Sorry Malcolm, maybe I just need to take a break from reading your books.

Gladwell's clarity guides us through complex ideas, even the unsettling ones. His genius lies in dismantling familiar categories, urging us to rethink boxes we never questioned. From dog breeds to Cold War puzzles, he shows how labels crumble under closer inspection. Mysteries shrouded in information overload contrast with puzzles yearning for missing pieces. He doesn't just challenge our thinking, he sparks joy in rediscovering a world with boundaries more fluid than we imagined. And that's why Gladwell's writing never fails to delight.

Malcolm Gladwell makes me want to believe in the type of journalism I would like to invest in - meeting people, drawing insights, and then building on stories about what actually happened.

3 1/2 Some are classic Gladwell which means overall this essay collection has some really interesting stories and other where Gladwell falls into his regular pitfalls. I prefer his books, but many such as the Ketchup Conundrum were interesting if not light reads.

Gladwell has the knack for making the extremely ordinary into the extraordinary. Love the different glasses readers are given with respect to the topics he covers.

I enjoyed that it was just articles/stories rather than one long narrative. Each was different, but related. Very interesting. His books are the best of the pop science as they do get you thinking but he does state that they are observational studies, not experiments.