Whatever It Takes

4/5 They will always be my favorite couple from the sisters universe. "He cupped my cheeks and both of us were crying. “We’re going to make this work, Willow. Because you’re my girl, and that’s not going to change." "Our eyes don’t break. “Garrison Abbey, you are definitely alive.” Only around you."

garrison abbey gostoso

this book has no actual plot whatsoever but i’ll always be the weakest for soft best friends to lovers

(high) 3.5 garrison is such a softie i cant??? and i just feel so represented w willow in terms of her personality man love u babie girl??? gillow’s so soft???? the core six are so precious???? i cri man, this made me emotional,,,

the angst hurts my heart 💔

THERE ARE ACTUAL TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE RIGHT NOW!!!!! gillow's past, the issues garrison had with his stupid brothers and his family in general, and also all the things related to his not being happy and not deserving of happiness and love, I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HIM FROM THIS UNFAIR AND UNJUST AND DARK WORLD; he has the love of the FUCKING CORE SIX AND ALSO WILLOW'S LOVE AND ADORATION!!!! THAT'S ALL THE HAPPINESS AND FORGIVENESS HE DESERVES AND MAYBE EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!! also willow's insecurities and geekness, all the things related to her family and the fact that she founds out she's lo's sister and also ryke's half-sister at the same time, AND THE ENTIRE CORE SIX CARING ABOUT HER AND BEFRIENDING HER BECAUSE YAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's was SO DAMN GOOD to see the core six again, their bantering and bickering, baby moffy and baby sulli <3 also, ROSE'S SPEECH TO WILLOW, ALL THE RESPECT AND THE CROWN FOR THE ABSOLUTE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also baby moffy watching batman with garrison <3333333333333333 I AM SERIOUSLY UGLY CRYING RIGHT NOW, I'LL JUST CRAWL INTO BED AND CURL LIKE A LITTLE BALL UNTIL I DISAPPEAR *hides under the blankets* *cries in fetal position*

I read the web series/wattpad for this couple like five years ago and now there's a BOOK! AHHHHH!!!

I waited for this book for ages, but the time skips threw me a little

Garrison should be the blue print for every book boyfriend. Period!

THERE ARE ACTUAL TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE RIGHT NOW!!!!! gillow's past, the issues garrison had with his stupid brothers and his family in general, and also all the things related to his not being happy and not deserving of happiness and love, I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HIM FROM THIS UNFAIR AND UNJUST AND DARK WORLD; he has the love of the FUCKING CORE SIX AND ALSO WILLOW'S LOVE AND ADORATION!!!! THAT'S ALL THE HAPPINESS AND FORGIVENESS HE DESERVES AND MAYBE EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!! also willow's insecurities and geekness, all the things related to her family and the fact that she founds out she's lo's sister and also ryke's half-sister at the same time, AND THE ENTIRE CORE SIX CARING ABOUT HER AND BEFRIENDING HER BECAUSE YAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's was SO DAMN GOOD to see the core six again, their bantering and bickering, baby moffy and baby sulli <3 also, ROSE'S SPEECH TO WILLOW, ALL THE RESPECT AND THE CROWN FOR THE ABSOLUTE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also baby moffy watching batman with garrison <3333333333333333 I AM SERIOUSLY UGLY CRYING RIGHT NOW, I'LL JUST CRAWL INTO BED AND CURL LIKE A LITTLE BALL UNTIL I DISAPPEAR *hides under the blankets* *cries in fetal position*

willow hale my baby nerd
garrison abbey my lonely boy
gillow #

~ 4,25. I love garrison so much

i just need to say that gillow has my heart and they are my meow meows 🥺🥺

I just really want to protect Garrison Abbey. That is all.

4.5 stars are garrison and willow literally my new favorite couple i think they are. also i miss the core six SO MUCH

1st read january 2020: 4 stars love this book, love gillow


Adored it! Loved seeing the events that happened with the Calloway clan (yes that’s their name to me) through Garrison and Willow’s POVs. I also loved how it went back to past younger Garrison and Willow and to the present them, seeing more into their past made me feel so much for them especially with Garrison and his family, does remind me a little bit of what Jonathan Hale used to do to Lo when he was younger. Definitely recommend you read this after you’ve read the Addicted/Calloway Sisters series as you can see the events again but with a two new outlooks. 5 stars adored it excited to start wherever you are, later <3

4.5 I'm really loving Willow and Garrison story and I can't wait to read the second book!

I love Garrison and Willow SO MUCH but only thanks to Addicted/Calloway Sisters. The book wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either. If I hadn’t read the series mentioned above beforehand I probably would’ve hated this book and the couple along with it because of how rushed and passionless the writing is. But I know Willow and Garrison. I’ve read how they struggled and grew. Most importantly, I love their significance to the Core Six. Even though I didn’t like the book that much, these two characters will always be special to me. And I’ll root for them no matter what!

I truly never thought I’d see the day where we finally get Willow and Garrison’s much-awaited full story!!! I am beyond happy and grateful Krista & Becca Ritchie have finally given it to us – at least the first part. Luckily, book two of the Bad Reputation Duet is out only a week after Whatever It Takes! This is a new adult romance that’s a spinoff of the Addicted series, though you don’t have to read the original to understand this duet. But if you are a fan of the Addicted world and all its fantastic characters, you’ll want to get your hands on WIT immediately! Originally, Willow and Garrison’s beginning was released on Wattpad, and it was such an adorable, wholesome new adult romance. We have two complete opposites who connect over their loneliness and bond over all things nerdy like comic books. In Whatever It Takes, we do get to see those original chapters again. The book is told in past and present POVs, so the past chapters are mainly made up of what we’d read on Wattpad, which I honestly didn’t mind reading again. We get to see how Willow and Garrison first meet alongside their present-day, long-distance relationship and how they deal with living across an ocean from each other. It was an interesting contrast to read about their relationship at two different points – one being sweet, slow, romantic, and the other full of longing and little bit of heartbreak. I loved being back in this world. I enjoyed Garrison and Willow’s story so much, but I LOVED seeing the Calloways, Hales, Cobalts, and Meadows again. Seeing the Core 6 in their element made my heart sing. But don’t worry, if you haven’t read any of the original books, I don’t think you’ll feel lost. It’s just an amazing cast of secondary characters 😉 If you enjoy NA romances, WIT is a must read. There are parts that are set in college, a first love between a bad boy and a good girl, and a little bit of angst. It was just a great first book in this duet and I’m dying to get my hands on Wherever You Are! Ebook: https://amzn.to/37gYwZL Paperback: https://amzn.to/2ttCuEx

Bad Reputation Duet : Whatever it Takes: ★★★★★ Wherever You Are: TBD Blog | Twitter | Instagram |You can find my stop on the blog tour here. As always, a copy of this book was provided by the authors in exchange for my honest review. This does not effect my opinion in any way. "We're utterly silent, but it's the kind that begins to slow my heartbeat. Silence and calmness, void of that aching loneliness." Ah! There's something so surreal about reading this one after so long. I've been waiting for this book, this series, for what feels like a decade. (Yes, that is an exaggeration. No, I don't regret being a drama queen.) To make things even more wild, I can't believe the dynamic duo allowed me the privilege to be a part of experiencing it in ARC form. Totally wild, but totally dreamy. Receiving the little blue package and note from the two has definitely made it into my favourite book blogging memories. To say this was special to me would be an understatement and given the rocky couple of years I've had, Whatever It Takes has become something of a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Much like the series' it spins off of, it's electrified something in my heart that is irreplaceable and so very wonderful. But, let's focus on the novel, shall we? Whatever It Takes truly has been a long time coming. No, really. Longtime readers of the Addicted and Calloway Sisters series have been anticipating an in depth development of the romance between fan favourite side characters, Willow Moore and Garrison Abbey, like me, for years. We know what the future holds for them--but we've never truly been able to see how it all started. Whatever It Takes gives us a front row seat and fleshes out their relationship in a way that is breathtaking. What you'll notice first, within the pages of Whatever It Takes, is a reminder as to why Krista and Becca Ritchie are so beloved in the romance community. Their writing is something that takes you away and has great meaning. It buries itself into your heart and soul; captivating you with realistic characters and engrossing you with their flaws and strengths. So, have no fear, readers! Whatever It Takes is quick to take on the traits that these two are known for and doesn't let us down for a single moment. The romance is steamy, the friendship is full of warmth, and the characters feel as real as you or me. Willow Moore/Hale and Garrison Abbey make solid, likable leads, finally having their time to shine in the spotlight. Their connection is almost instantaneous and sweet as it develops, definitely playing out the 'good girl, bad boy' trope without losing itself to it. We watch as Willow takes a new path in life by leaving her mother to find a home to call her own, the knowledge of a brother she never had the chance to know propelling her forward; we watch Garrison begin to grow from angsty bad boy, within an abusive environment, into the person he was always meant to be. The plotline is furthered by smart changes in POV and timelines, that create a sort of contrast in the narration. I loved the rotating timeline, the glimpses into their lives before, during and after they fell in love. Mostly, I loved the spark that came about anytime Willow and Garrison fell into each other. Seeing it in its early stages, exploring this relationship, feels like something truly special. I've always been fond of the two, and had a soft spot for their bond, but Whatever It Takes brings that fondness to an all-time high. You can expect the feeling of grin-until-your-cheeks-hurt humor, right alongside the swoon-worthy leads and the search for connections in life. You can expect flaws and mistakes. You can expect new faces just as often as familiar faces. You can expect aching romance. You can expect tough topics tackled. As always, the combination of plotlines and archetypes are graceful and well balanced. Whatever It Takes is Krista and Becca Ritchie at their finest and I can't wait to see the conclusion.


garrisonwither: @willowaIIflower looks like it was time for a change for me too *gasp* we’re matching
Guys like this exist?” *furiously mumbles to herself trying to convince her to stop having commitment issues*

I want to say something. Do something. Anything. To stand up for the quieter person. For the first time in my life.
Never been so grateful that my school prefers verbal bullying.

He tilts his head at me. “Your username?” “Yeah.” “I like it, Willow bada boom.” He says it in The Fifth Element voice. My chest swells. It’s not every day you meet someone that understands the things you love, but somehow I’ve crossed paths with someone who really does.
Is this how guy friends are? I’ll take one.

“Zero percent,” Loren says, not even really hesitating. I jerk back. “Zero percent?” I glance at Ryke. “Is he good at math?” “Am I good at math,” Loren repeats like I’m a toddler. “I can count to ten. One, two, my sister is too good for you, four, five, you both will survive.” I take that in, focusing on the important part. “You realize you didn’t reach ten, right?” Loren swings his head to Ryke. Ryke flips me off. Two middle fingers. It’s his go-to move, and really, I earned it. I’m nearly smiling. “What percentage?” I ask Ryke. “Zero,” he says, “but I don’t know what you’ll fucking do.” Wait…what? I frown. “Why would you think that I’d want to break up with her? I’m worried about her breaking up with me.” “That broken heart fucking thing,” Ryke says. Shiiiiiit.
😂😂 they’re so fucking funny omfl. I miss them so much.

Rose glowers. “Fear. Me. Richard. I will annihilate you in a murderous, bloody…” Her breath hitches as he steps nearer, their legs thread. She reaches back, palms hitting the iron table. He almost has her pinned. “Fear what, Rose?” he breathes against her lips. She says one word in French, and he says two more in the same language. Honestly, they look like they’re about to kiss.

Since I’m with the “core six”—as the internet affectionally calls Lily, Loren, Rose, Connor, Ryke and Daisy—bodyguards linger nearby in case they get a wave of unwanted attention
I miss them so much :/

Telling Ryke to not care is beyond his superhuman capabilities. He’s physically and mentally hardwired to overly care about people close to him.
Ryke 🥰

"We're going to make this work. I'm going to text and Skype." He cupped my cheeks and both of us crying. "We're going to make this work, Willow. Because you're my girl, and that's not going to change." We're going to make this work. Broken hearts and all.