When No One Is Watching A Thriller

I definitely didn't see the twist at the end of this book, but I just feel like the way it ended was just way too convenient and didn't make sense to me.

** spoiler alert ** Two key emotions throughout this book: anger and anxiety. But then there’s a singular rain drop of romance that hits you just enough to keep you satisfied and then disappears as if there were never a rain cloud at all. The whole “Mr. And Mrs. Smith” “Wanted” style raid at the end is a bit dramatic and graphic for my taste in horror/thriller books, but I felt justice was served.

There are many systemic issues that take place within America and Cole does a great job of showing that gentrification is one of them (with a page of additional sources to read at the conclusion of the novel!). The majority of the points awarded to this book are because I viewed it as a great entry point for learning about gentrification for a multitude of reasons. First, the language is very modern, informal, and accessible the majority of the reading population. Second, many people (myself included) can get intimidated by non-fiction books. When No One Is Watching offers many educational points of value while maintaining its fictional charm. Lastly, this novel switches back and forth between first-person narrations from Sydney (a black woman) and Theo (a white man). As a white reader, I found immense value in observing the differences in Cole's writing between the two perspectives. However, as an overall read, I did not love this book. Outside of the educational passages, this book read a bit like a Wattpad fan-fiction. There would be some chapters that seemed to barely contribute to the overall plot, while other chapters felt like they were stuffed to the brim with plot points that seemed like afterthoughts. There was also a blatant typo early on in the book which really inhibited my desire to read on. Overall, while this book is not one of my all-time favorites, the rating is as high as it is because accessible education on gentrification is very valuable and that's exactly what this book has to offer. Recommended For: those looking to ease into learning about American race relations

3.5 ⭐️

3.5 / 5

** spoiler alert ** Y'all.

Maybe a 3.5? This book made me really mad though bc it could happen. 70% of the book was great — I was nervous and mad and then the 30% was just me losing interest bc the ending felt rushed

i really really liked this! i think the pacing was a little slow at the beginning but once it picked up - whew!

I love the premise: gentrification has its effects on residents. I wasn't into the Theo and Sydney thing, but I love how the author conveyed their thought. Omg, the ending of the conspiracy theory!!! Wow

4.25 stars |

wow i actually REALLY liked this, and i had mixed expectations. the last 30% was especially amazing. i can't wait to read more from this author, and really hope she keeps writing in the thriller genre. i think the only reason why it's 4 stars instead of 5 for me is because the first half felt a bit slow. i liked the tension it built but occasionally it just felt more like filler, not so much tense. i can see that this was probably the author's choice, to lay the community out and really drive in the gentrification impact. i think it just felt a bit like hand-holding, which was probably why it didn't land for me. still, this was such a vivid read and i'll definitely remember it for a long time. if you liked "lock every door" and haven't read this ... or vice versa ... just sayin

This story was gripping! I think my jaw was open over half the time. I appreciated the bits of history the author included. It taught me things I never knew because well... they really don't teach us actual history at school. Usually it's just pilgrims -> revolutionary war -> civil war -> WW2 and done. That's history! With no stories about other groups of people. I really really liked the history parts. The overall story is definitely a thriller and had me at the edge of my seat. The last part was a bit rushed, I wouldn't have minded at all if it was longer and expanded a bit more. Overall really good!

Gave me Get Out vibes the entire time and now I read the synopsis and slap my forehead. Racial injustice/gentrification tied into a thriller plot. Random romance bits. Not your typical thriller novel.

this book for me is 1/3 thriller and 1/2 romance. I swear it is romance. but it is not the kind of unnecessary romance because I see why it is important in the book. Besides, i really enjoyed the romance part in it. I love their lines and how the characters think especially the humor! I even wondered if this book is really a thriller bec its funny in some parts. the thriller part was there too. you know the feeling of how the graveness of the situation dawned on you and you just think "wow that is tragic and messed up". the ending tho... I dont know. If this were a movie with that ending I think it might be okay but having that kind of ending reading it? I don't know what to think or feel about it. my favorite part is (view spoiler)[ when they were so confused who to trust and are both doubting each other. like 'bwahahahhaha you might be the enemy and I might be the enemy too'. they were like going crazy about how they think they will think of the other (hide spoiler)].

I need some time. ---------------------- I both loved and hated every minute of this book. For those that were saying that this book didn't thrill them, I wholeheartedly disagree. I especially enjoyed how it ended, though I could have done without the epilogue. I feel like the epilogue completely changed the tone of the rest o the novel (and normally I live for a good epilogue moment). The audacity of these (view spoiler)[white folks, traipsing in here, taking people's houses, performing experiments on them and then acting surprised when people start fighting back like???? (hide spoiler)] Excuse me? Did I miss that lesson in basic rules to being a decent human? Or maybe they missed it, nvm. This book was an emotional rollercoaster and I was wrecked by the time it was over.

Soooo good

what a fucking loaded book I expected none of that going in honestly, acab.

I never usually rate something 5 stars but this book was amazing! It tapped into the current issues but put an amazing thriller twist on them. I highly recommend it and I can’t wait to discuss in the book club I’m part of!

Someone described this as a mix between Rear Window and Get Out and that’s exactly what it was! Good book. Flew through it.

This book deals with some heavy topics and honestly I just expected more from it. There was sooo much build up for me to get to the end and think huh that’s it? It’s over? I understand wanting to read this for the important topic of the book but it was drug out and not satisfying in the end for me

This thriller so adeptly weaves together gentrification and neighbors and racism and brooklyn. There’s even a love story! I 100% buy the conspiracy but wish more time was taken explaining the end. Jordan Peele should make this into a horror film!

A book about way more than dark and thrilling plot. The book is most exciting and interesting when the histories of gentrification are laid out. The writing also feels intimate and real, even when wild stuff is happening. I also like when the story bounces from different perspectives so we can see through different characters eyes.

3.5 ⭐ TRIGGER WARNING There is a lot of killing. Words are powerful. I picked this book up because the title was ✨, it also lived up to it at the later stages of the book The first hundred pages were...boring...i considered not finishing it, but i never break my rules of 'not finishing once i start a book' So the story is told through two perspectives and by the protagonists- Theo and Sydney. It's set in Brooklyn...i ve never been there, but according to the author it's supposed to make sense. This book is kinda unrealistic, (view spoiler)[no one hides their mothers body in a backyard?! (hide spoiler)]. It is a complete thriller...like a zombie book except there are no zombies...makes sense? Also there is a lot of racial discrimination, in fact the whole book is based on it. Slavery, fundamental rights and gentrification (didn't know that term until now). And yea, there is a lot of killing by two very normal people.

So. Freaking. Good. Alyssa really captured the perspective of different races & how different things can be when you're not born privileged/white/rich. I personally wouldn't classify this as a thriller though.