White Night A Novel of the Dresden Files

This book really failed to deliver anything new to the Dresden table. It seems like White Night is just a re-hashing of old ideas and settings to fulfill a publishing contract, rather than a thoughtful sequel to an exciting series. The mystery that was supposed to engage the plot fell flat early on thanks to Harry mysogenism, and led to a rather bland bigger conflict that yet again revolves around vampires. I feel like I've read parts of the book in earlier instalments. It's frustrating to see this series being so uneven. What needs to happen to improve it: 1. No more damsels in distress. Let Harry save a guy for once. 2. No more full-fledged introductions of recurring characters or explanations of references to earlier books. For a series that heavily relies on a reader to follow Dresden adventures in publication order, there are too many repetitions. We should all know by now who Bob is. 3. No more Harry feeling responsible for everyone's safety and whining about it. 4. Get Harry laid already, or give him an actual prospective romantic interest, instead of a tease or two here and there. 5. Leave vampires be for a book or two and start moving the plot along with the corruption within White Court. Give me a new monster of the week. Harry against a giant squid would be more exciting at this point. 6. No more weird escapes please. Harry and Lara flying through the air, locked in a passionate kiss, while explosions are going on around them is not good climax resolution. Dino-zombie rampaging through Chicago and stomping all over bad guys was excellent climax resolution. More of that please. 7. No more Thomas being all broody about his sex hunger. You want to be a conflicted character? Actually give in and pay dearly for it. 8. Speaking of which, a major character needs to die already. Every good guy seems to be bulletproof, which takes away from suspense. How about not so happy ending for once? 9. Bob needs to get more field action, like he did in Dead Beat. 10. We are 9 books in and I still can't see a major plot advancement. Do something about it.