Wicked All Night A Night Rebel Novel

Wicked All Night is a stunning conclusion to an edge-of-your-seat series featuring Veritas and Ian. Now I know this series has gotten quite a few mixed reviews, but to be honest, I have adored Ian and Veritas together. While they aren't my favorite couple of the world (Vlad and Leila are still reigning supreme) I had a delightful time with this one. But also this edition was the new paperback and I found it so easy to read (I personally struggle with mass markets). Wicked All Night continues directly right after book two, so if you haven't read the previous two books I would recommend not reading this review unless you like spoilers. Wicked All Night begins with Ian injured and Veritas working night and day for weeks to find anything to help him heal until she makes a deal with her fiancee, a man she would avoid at any cost except that he can save Ian's life and she is willing to make a bargain with the devil to get him healed and whole again. It will just cost her one night but her fiancee has his own goals and plans and she will find herself betrayed, and now she and Ian and their band of friends will have to work overtime, to defeat two great demigods who want to conquer the world and destroy much of humankind in the process of it all. Ian and Veritas will also have many challenges to overcome, in and out of their relationship, but together and united they will find the greatest power-true love Wicked All Night was such a delicious read and love the conclusion (I think its the conclusion) to the Night Rebel series. I simple am so happy that this author wrote Ian's book and what a delightful journey it turned out to be. There were so many depths to this that I just adored. But one of my favorite aspects is seeing Veritas having to learn to work with Ian and not against him in being so independent. There are times throughout the story here, that she goes rogue and yeah Ian is having none of that and I respected that he stood up to her for it. Because they are a partnership in all things, and not just when it's convenient. And Veritas has to learn to trust in Ian, in all circumstances and to adapt to her changed relationship with Ian. Its definitely a story that shows beautiful personal growth and I had a blast in seeing what Ian and Veritas are capable of as a team and as lovers. Overall I found Wicked All Night a joy and a delight in every aspect, its an epic finale of Ian and Veritas, its a story that will keep you on edge with its plot developments, the sensual moments will place fire in your blood, and the fierce fighting love that is showcased will have you pounding the floor with thrills and excitement.

No, you haven't gone crazy, I did read this in less than ten hours. OPS Ps: I can't help it, every time I read Ian's lines I now slip into Spike's voice.

I think I was perhaps not in the mood for this. It was a bit too much "OUR LOVE IS SO SPECIAL".

Veritas and Ian have finally defeated their worst enemy, Dagon, but the power it took to pierce through to the netherworld has unexpected consequences. Soon, Veritas is forced to rely on the last person she trusts—a golden deity named Phanes, who is her original intended betrothal. But an escape from the netherworld—an attempt to save her missing biological father—soon pits Veritas and Ian against supernatural beings—ancient deities— seeking to rule over mortals once again. Now, they must rally friends and foes alike—while all in the midst of fighting the wedge between them that threatens to destroy their love. Can they stand together against the unearthly powers about to be unleashed? Pretty sure… yeah. I must say, all in all, this was a decent conclusion to Ian and Veritas' story though this novel was not as fulfilling as its counterparts. The built-up to the epic climax I was anticipating fell short. The abrupt ending—WTF was that, seriously?!—was anticlimactic. If the epic battle was a tad bit more drawn out, this will surely fall in par with the other books in the series. Despite that, I still very much enjoy this. The strong connection, commitment, chemistry, romance, and just about everything else with Van and Veritas' relationship was impeccable and definitely held this story together. The character development was an added bonus and a pleasant surprise. More so, we get to see old faces: Vlad, Cat, Bones, Spade, Mencheres, Denise, and more but the true standout character for me was Veritas' half-brother, Ashael. Every scene he appeared in—he brought the wit, the humor, the fun times. I especially loved the scene where he damn neared domesticated Naxos, a Minotaur from Phanes realm. I hope we get to see more of him (possibly a future series?) and the other characters in the great, epic fantasy world Jeannie Frost is known to create. It’s quite obvious she is not done with this series and I know there is more storytelling in store for readers.