Wicked Thorne
My demons are dark. My sins are many. And taking Natalie Good might be my worst offense yet. Because I'm the very Blackthorne responsible for her ancestor's demise. But her blood sings for me, her body calls my name, and if kissing her is sinful, Romeo was right-give me my sin again.I've made a point of avoiding witches for the last few hundred years. In fact, I've avoided almost everything from my past since my family decimated Salem.So when a curse pulls me halfway across the world and into the path of a witch, I know should leave her alone. But I can't. There's something about Natalie that's irresistible. I need to keep her safe, even if she doesn't want protection from a Blackthorne Vampire.The Midnight Coven presents: Cursed CovenOn Samhain night the covens gather to share their power and celebrate. It's a time for pure magic. A night of unbridled witchcraft. But there's a dark force waiting in the wings, determined to curse every witch at the gathering, and when she does, no one escapes.Face their darkest fear. Survive or die.These are the stories of thirteen witches cursed at the one place they should have been safe. Join the coven and learn their fates

Mae Gabriel Loke@maegloke