Queen Hynde of Beregonium

Queen Hynde of Beregonium

A stirring, verse story of adventure and romance set in the early Scotland of saints and swordsmen. The young, Scottish Queen Hynde must rule, and seek a husband, whilst in imminent peril from a sea-borne Viking attack.The author claimed the tale to be true, handed down in story and song, and without doubt many characters are historically authentic.The remnants of Berigonium (also Beregonium), first palace of the Scots and original home of the Stone of Destiny, still exist on a vitrified, rocky hill in Benderloch, Argyll, Scotland.Whatever the truth, standing on the mighty cliff of the 'Fort of the King' and gazing westwards over the magnificent bay it is easy to imagine that great deeds once chose this land as their stage. And that some beautiful, royal lady gave birth to a legend whose shadows cling here for ever.Story OutlineThe story of Queen Hynde brings in St. Columba, the great monastic leader, as the Queen's loyal adviser. Known as "Calumn the Dove", he attempts to negotiate a peace with the Norse invaders but war breaks out.A powerful Viking warrior seeks to take Queen Hynde as his wife, and means to do so by force of arms. He has a young nephew of noble instincts who falls foul of "Wicked Wene" one of the queen's impish ladies-in-waiting. She is the most notable character in the book. Hogg has captured the spirit of teasing, mischievous young womanhood at its very best.The narrative ranges from Appin through Benderloch and Connel to Dunstaffnage and then across the water to Iona and Ireland. It moves to a climax with the priests of Odin about to sacrifice the maidens on the top of Berigonium, and offers an explanation of how the fortress became a vitrified remain.William Clark has abridged the story to suit modern readers and has included notes and illustrations to enhance the reading pleasure.
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