Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology Third Edition 2011
This book is designed to educate the unlearned masses, and as a reference forscholars on points outside of their expertise. Commentators are free to quoteor reprint unlimited excerpts, provided the source is properly acknowledged.Some illustrations courtesy of Discover and American Atheist. I haveassumed that illustrations located through Google, unless otherwise indicated, are public domain. My apologies if I have accidentally violated anycopyright. Since the pictures are intended to illustrate the entries that theyaccompany, some artwork had been retouched to make it do so moreappropriately. For example, a painting of an idealized crucifixion has beenmodified to give it a closer resemblance to actual crucifixions. Elishaillustration by Kathy Demchuck (Illustrated Stories from the Bible), courtesyof American Atheist Press. Bush cartoon @ Mariali, courtesy MarilyseDevoyault & Aline Dieguez.