
I really love Falsaff what a curious lil man! Though when he’s not in a scene I do not love the scene.

Class read. Had some cool moments but made me realize I might like Shakespeares more fictional focused stuff more.

Oddly, given its less prominent use in conflations, I found this more accessible than the first part. But I’ll definitely be watching Phyllida Lloyd’s Donmar Warehouse production tonight on Broadway HD

Read for the POPSUGAR challenge prompt #4: a book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics

This may be my favourite Shakespeare play so far!

I honestly could not care less about Shakespeare's histories. Not a fan 1 star

I don't think I completely finished this because I read it for a class and ran out of time and it was kind of boring whoops

3.5 stars. Not my favourite Shakespeare, would see it performed but probably won't read it again

Beautiful - my favourite Shakespeare; unleash the dogs of war!!

Shakespeare done simply :)

when the king of france thinks ur a dumb bitch for wanting to invade his country so he sends u tennis balls and you end up winning a sick battle even though u were outnumbered 5 to 1 but u still feel bad abt urself as a human being so u go fishing for compliments from ur soldiers and they end up hating u so u prank ur right hand man into fighting them because ur actually a dumb bitch but at least u got the girl (and the two countries) in the end