
bro fumbled


i have always loved macbeth.. my favorite of all shakespeare's work!

I was robbed of a decent ending.

Reading this play has given me even more urge than I had before to see it performed. I wish I could have studied Macbeth at school as opposed to Romeo and Juliet! A masterpiece that I cannot wait to teach.

Evidently a very talented playwright.

Macbeth is basically Walter White. Without the drug making. He's someone who starts as a normal person but something(in Macbeth's case is greed) makes him change completely. I loved Lady Macbeth's character. By the end of the book she had reversed roles with her husband. He had become the ruthless one and she was stuck by guilt of the acts she had helped him commit. I also loved the witches how they represent the devil and temptation. How with just a few words they managed to transform Macbeth. It is a story of greed and how it can alter a person's personality. Not my favorite play by Shakespeare, but it should definitely be read.

3.5 ⭐️

lady macbeth served cunt and died

what a weird experience

i dont rlly fw shakespeare


I like the Scottish setting, and how the theme of guilt and Macbeth’s loss of sanity is portrayed. Lady Macbeth was a really interesting character.

macduff slayed no lie

so compelling

had to read it for school, was absolutely terrible, but if i read it on my own probably wouldn’t be as bad

It may be too cliché to say "I love Shakespeare" but I did so love Macbeth.


boy, did big ol’ shakespeare d e l i v e r !!

czy ja wiem nie powalilo mnie jakos

had to read this for school and thought it was very compelling story and interesting to see how shakespeare writes characters that are so complex.

Even thought I had to read it for GCSEs it was amazing

I loved the pictures in the book, and how it's so simple and easy to read.

** spoiler alert ** cómo es posible que teniendo un plot twist tan chulo como lo de la cesárea lo haya ejecutado tan mal

Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Act IV Scene One

So foul and fair a day I have not seen.
“ fair is foul and foul is fair ”

He shall live a man forbid.

Sleep shall neither night nor day

What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.

Where the Norweyan banners flout the sky
And fan our people cold.

My gashes cry for help.

Fair is foul, and foul is fair

"the grief that does not speak, whispers the overfraught heart and bids it break"
Act 4 Scene 3