

One of Shakespeare's most fascinating and structurally/thematically complex plays I have read thus far. Socially grounded, intricate, with the most beautiful lines. Very pleased by it. A quotation from the introduction will serve a better summing-up than anything I ever will write: The play is full of striking themes and concepts, but they are not part of a logical structure intended to eliminate inconsistencies and to work rigorously towards a definable conclusion ('Shakespeare is showing us that...'). The best analogy would be musical: themes can be introduced and then counterpointed in a wide variety of ways, and given contrasting harmonies, but they do not cancel each other out, and the final meaning is the total pattern created, not just a part of it.

3.5 stars, I enjoyed this play. It's not a favorite of mine but it was still entertaining

how can i describe how this is 100% timeless? every character, every topic... and the comedy on point as well. the law is really a case of interpretation, isnt it?! and facts matter but at the end justice is all just a way of seeing those facts and how they can be used in favor or against.

Definitely one of the better Shakespeare plays I have had to read.