Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night or, What You Will (Signet Classics)

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Photo of 𝚕𝚒𝚕𝚢
5 stars
Jul 16, 2024

CWs: crossdressing, love triangle

Photo of Liz
5 stars
May 23, 2024

i love you william shakespeare

Photo of a
3 stars
May 21, 2024


Photo of Monicap
5 stars
Apr 29, 2024

Hilarious. I watched a performance of it as well, bafflingly funny.

Photo of jul
4 stars
Feb 5, 2024

sebastian and antonio should have kissed on the mouth in the last scene

Photo of Kendall McClain
Kendall McClain@kendallmcclain
5 stars
Jan 29, 2024

So silly and fun

Photo of Roisin Ramdhayan
Roisin Ramdhayan @roisin05
4 stars
Jul 9, 2023

But be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.

Photo of Kathryn Larson
Kathryn Larson@kands
4.5 stars
May 15, 2023

This was a fun read. Loved the characters.

Photo of Claudia Ganea
Claudia Ganea@claudcloud
4 stars
Oct 30, 2022

*3,5/5* I've always been a sucker for Shakespeare, and after seeing (and loving!) 'She's the Man' I was really excited to read this play, even though it was course-mandated. Overall, I was quite pleasantly surprised. A light, fun comedy that plays with language as much as with its characters. Viola was amazing (and I was so happy for her at the end of the play!) and I ended up sympathizing with Malvolio a whole lot more than I would've liked to. Kudos to Shakespeare's complex characters, though. This edition (which had notes on every second page instead of the play itself) helped my understanding of the plot too.

Photo of Vanya de Lang
Vanya de Lang @vampibish
5 stars
Oct 17, 2022

A great comedy. Absolutely amazing! It was extremely funny and well written. The confusion and the comedic effect of twins torn apart. An absolute favourite.

Photo of grace
3 stars
Aug 24, 2022

ngl Shakespeare slayed

Photo of Trever
2 stars
Jul 2, 2022

Would've like this so much more if I'd seen it performed. I don't know, it didn't have the sass that The Taming of the Shrew did and I kept drifting off. That said, it was light-hearted and happy, which was a plus.

Photo of Zeke Taylor
Zeke Taylor@zt1230
5 stars
Apr 23, 2022

Shakespeare is becoming less airy and cryptic. I encountered him before I was able to trust in his humanity above the academic noise

Photo of Fiebi
4 stars
Apr 20, 2022

it raineth ev’ryday

Photo of Shameera Nair Lin
Shameera Nair Lin@therealsnl
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022


Photo of Katharina Hoffmann
Katharina Hoffmann@ahobbitsbooks
5 stars
Feb 4, 2022

my new favourite Shakespeare play? I enjoyed it as much as Mabeth, maybe even more! People will continue picking Macbeth over it though because apparently Shakespeare's comedies don't have as much depth as his tragedies.

Photo of sarah 🤠
sarah 🤠@sarahsperusals
3.5 stars
Jan 28, 2022

orsino is a clown and i love him!

Photo of Haley McDowell
Haley McDowell@moleawhack
4 stars
Jan 10, 2022

This is the only Shakespeare play I own. I hold no qualms about such endeavors.

Photo of Melody Izard
Melody Izard@mizard
2 stars
Jan 10, 2022

He's a man dressed up like a woman and they fall in love while a clown frolics around and mocks us all. I think I just didn't have my classic reading hat on and just can't find the appreciation Shakespeare deserves.

Photo of Grace O'Callaghan
Grace O'Callaghan@graceinneverland
4 stars
Jan 4, 2022

This ones a tricky one to review as I read it in August but didn’t actually track it on here. Twelfth Night’s summary is that of queer coding and cross dressing, misunderstandings and weddings. It’s too confusing to explain so just read the goodreads summary. This is my second play by Shakespeare and it’s definitely my favourite. I can easily see why the comedies will be my favourites. I laugh at the tragedies and the comedies, one of them you’re not supposed to laugh at. The characters are so over the top and delightful. Mean spirited and selfish. I ship Viola and Olivia so hard. I just love the queer undertones. The humour is also so on point. May review it more in depth once I understand it better as I’m studying it for school.

Photo of Simon Elliott Stegall
Simon Elliott Stegall@sim_steg
3 stars
Dec 15, 2021

Heard someone say this was Shakespeare's "perfect" comedy, but frankly I liked Comedy of Errors more. Still, plenty of good stuff here.

Photo of Kate
4 stars
Dec 6, 2021

Update Feb 2018: oh my god I forgot I wrote this but I think Twelfth Night IS my favorite Shakespeare comedy now. But I still agree Orsino is boring and the way Malvolio is treated at the end is super upsetting. / My main problem with this play is that Viola falls in love with Orsino reaaaal quick even though he's kind of a dick (like, potentially a hot one, so I kind of get it, but) and her utter devotion to him from that moment is... a little boring. Olivia and Sebastian are also very quick to be okay with marrying total strangers and Orsino very suddenly reciprocates Viola's affections when she reveals her true gender/identity (with varying levels of believability depending on how much the particular production plays up Orsino's previous attraction to Cesario). The nuances of this play really open up when you read Olivia, Orsino, and Antonio as at least a little bit queer and Viola and Sebastian as having the potential to be. I find that reading a lot more fun, more interesting, and also more poignant. I just saw a good production of this and think it's entertaining and well-crafted, and Olivia especially is a wonderful character (and was extremely well-played, which is probably what sparked my newfound affection for her) - but it's not my favorite Shakespeare or even my favorite of his comedies. I do love that it has a ton of potential for my crazy theories about all the characters and their relationships. In light of this I think I'll up my rating to a 3.5. Also, I always forget how awful Maria and Sir Toby are to Malvolio and how uncomfortable and sad it makes me :(

Photo of Nikki K
Nikki K@sapphicurse
4 stars
Nov 18, 2021

honestly this was really fun. the clown was actually entertaining in this play and the subplot with Malvolio was worth reading- perhaps even more-so than the main plot. this would be really fun to see performed. it didn't have all the clever word play of Much Ado but was still a fun, short comedy of mistaken identity and misplaced love. (bonus points for inspiring one of the best adaptations of all time, She's the Man. i c o n i c)

Photo of Paduraru Constantina
Paduraru Constantina@byelulu
2 stars
Oct 23, 2021

"Twelfth Night, Or What You Will" este o lucrare dramatică scrisă de Shakespeare și cred că este a cincea carte (includ și "Sonete") care îl are ca autor, pe care am citit-o anul acesta. Cu toate că piesele sale de teatru nu mi-au adus o anumită încântare (cu excepția cărții "Regele Lear", care chiar mi-a plăcut) precum cea care mi-a fost oferită de către sonetele sale, îmi place cum scrie, iar faptul că am citit-o pe aceasta în engleză mă bucură deoarece limbajul folosit a fost chiar interesant. Îmi amintesc că atunci când citeam "Moromeții", tot limbajul naratorului și al personajelor mi-a adus o oarecare plăcere. În "Twelfth Night", Viola și Sebastian, soră și frate, sunt salvați înainte să-i înghită apele, dar Viola își crede fratele mort. Sebastian crede că sora lui a murit. Pentru a-și face un rost, Viola se deghizează într-un tânăr pe nume Cesario pentru a-l sluji pe ducele Orsino, cel care o iubește pe contesa Olivia. Începe să se formeze un triunghi amoros căci Olivia se va îndrăgosti de "Cesario" (poor girl...), iar Viola va simți fiorii dragostei pentru Orsino. Personajul care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult este Feste, un bufon, care mi s-a părut tare inteligent. Pe când citeam "Regele Lear", tot de bufon îmi plăcea, are o anumită înțelepciune acest personaj.


Photo of eleanthi
eleanthi @fuqk3r

And water once a day her chamber round she With eye-offending brine;

Page 19

act one

scene 1 -30

Photo of Elizabeth Park
Elizabeth Park@mspark

If music be the food of love, play on