

A. A. Milne2001
The adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends in which Pooh Bear uses a balloon to get honey, Piglet meets a Heffalump, and Eeyore has a birthday.
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Photo of Deepika Ramesh
Deepika Ramesh@theboookdog
5 stars
Jan 25, 2024

I'm a fan of Winnie-the-Pooh and that's my justification for giving full score! To me, the book was engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Photo of Laura Mauler
Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees
2 stars
Dec 25, 2023

There are some really wonderful children's books out there, but this isn't one. Not much seems to happen, or maybe things happen but not in a fun way. Plus it keeps saying how dumb Pooh is, which feels mean.

Photo of Stef
4 stars
Jan 2, 2023

Cute story from Pooh and friends. Totally, love the story more than the tv series that I watched when I was kid. My favorite story, when Pooh got present from Christopher Robin Pencils box with initial his name in every pencils. Also, the illustration is quite cute.

Photo of Hrishikesh Bhaskaran
Hrishikesh Bhaskaran@stultus
5 stars
Nov 21, 2022

Beautiful :)

Photo of Mary Horton
Mary Horton@thesunnyscribbler
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

So that was sweet. <3 Short, simple, and absolutely precious. This brought me back to my childhood of watching Winnie-the-Pooh and visiting Disneyland. *happy sigh* Definitely recommend reading this right before you go to college, hehe. ;)

Photo of Claire Knight
Claire Knight@krider2010
4 stars
May 23, 2022

The dramatisation of this in the UK Audible version is excellent. All star cast, and really brings it to life. Whatever your age!

Photo of Elizabeth Neill
Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos
3 stars
Apr 29, 2022

This brought back memories from growing up and I almost cried through out the book. Pooh was a big part of my childhood. I am going to tell my mom that she needs to get this book on audio ASAP.

Photo of Hazal Özlem
Hazal Özlem@sirunmanug
4 stars
Apr 4, 2022

Pooh demiş Piglet nihayet, “sabahları uyandığın zaman kendine ilk söylediğin şey ne olur?” “Kahvaltıda ne var?” demiş Pooh. “Sen ne dersin Piglet?” “Ben, acaba bugün heyecan verici ne olacak, derim” demiş Piglet. Pooh düşünceli bir biçimde başını sallamış. “İkisi de aynı şey” demiş.

Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
3 stars
Mar 7, 2022

Nice little fast read.

Photo of Jawahir M
Jawahir M@jawahirthebookworm
5 stars
Mar 3, 2022

My fav childhood character for a comfort read this month.

Photo of Grace O'Callaghan
Grace O'Callaghan@graceinneverland
4 stars
Jan 4, 2022

I have owned Winnie the Pooh since the day I was born, pretty much. And I'd never read it until now. I absolutely adore Disney's version and so I finally decided that this was the year I'd read it. I was so happy whilst reading this. It's just the most adorable and heart warming story you'll ever read. I truly believe it's a book for all ages, and when it can be enjoyed by everyone, you know it's a good book. Overall it was such a delightful and lovely story. There's not much more to say.

Photo of Meredith Rose
Meredith Rose@meredithrose
4 stars
Dec 15, 2021

Very charming! It was so sweet to listen to these simple tales on audiobooks again. I used to listen to them in the car with my Nana when I was younger, and I was surprised by how familiar they were to me. I enjoyed this slightly dramatized production of the story. While there wasn't a cast of narrators, there was music in between each chapter and sound effects to enhance the listener's experience. This makes it more engaging for children while also preserving that audiobook feel!

Photo of Laurel Ann Smith
Laurel Ann Smith@mrslaurelsmith
5 stars
Nov 30, 2021

I can't believe it took me so long to read this. I've read bits and pieces and other works from A.A. Milne, but I finally sat and read the whole story. It was better than I imagined. How can something be so simple and yet so clever and hilarious at the same time?! I giggled through the whole thing. It felt like childhood and a warm hug. I can't wait to read it again with my kids!

Photo of Olivera Mitić
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
3 stars
Nov 24, 2021

Slatko kao 🍯

Photo of Mari
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021

This is so precious!!!! Oh my goodness.

Photo of Diana
Diana @perdiana
5 stars
Nov 8, 2021

Se l'autore non avesse coltivato un animo introspettivo ed introverso, se non gli fosse nato il figlio Christopher Robin e se lui e la propria moglie non gli avessero dato in regalo degli amici di pezza, chissà quando sarebbe stata scritta quest'opera tuttora celebre... Forse, non sarebbe mai nata! Fin dalle primissime pagine, si presentano le intenzioni dello scrittore, si dà visione dei luoghi dei racconti, si delineano le dinamiche e le curiosità di questi amici di pezza (e non). La traduzione è pressoché fedele al testo originale e si discosta dalle scelte della traduzione italiana della Disney: Pimpi è Porcelletto (Piglet), Tappo è Coniglio (Rabbit), Ih-Oh è Isaia (Eeyore), Uffa è Gufo (Owl). La psicologia e la personalità dei personaggi emergono principalmente nella ricchezza dei dialoghi, tra l'altro, realistici. Le illustrazioni sono intimiste, semplici ed essenziali nel tratto. Geniale il fatto che ci siano diversi livelli di narrazione e che si sovrappongano il mondo reale e quello immaginario, richiamandosi l'uno con l'altro! Libro che suscita molta tenerezza, con tocchi di ironia e di sarcasmo qua e là.

Photo of Clara Garcia
Clara Garcia@clara21
4 stars
Oct 29, 2021

on of the most pure and heartwarming storys ever

Photo of A Quiet Little Library
A Quiet Little Library@a_quiet_little_library
5 stars
Oct 29, 2021

They're all just such precious characters 💞

Photo of Lotta Ramponen
Lotta Ramponen @joda
3 stars
Oct 3, 2021

Good book, but I found the characters to be annoying sometimes

Photo of Dinda
5 stars
Sep 22, 2021

I love it because the book is so beautiful. I love all characters, the smart humor, and my feeling when I read this. It's like melancholic, peace, sweet, and silly. My favourite story is "Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place", and I made so many people laugh by told them that story.

Photo of Debbie
5 stars
Sep 1, 2021

Don't care how old I am, this Edward Bear, known as Winnie-The-Pooh, oh I will always love him, so much. This book is so adorable. One of the best children's books ever. I enjoy read it.

Photo of Giulia
Giulia @fcbgiulia
4 stars
Aug 21, 2021

Around the year in 52 books - 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list Questo libro è la tenerezza <3 da piccola ero ossessionata con Winnie the Pooh, ho visto praticamente qualunque cosa lo riguardasse e leggere questo libro è stato un pò come tornare indietro nel tempo :3 Reread: gennaio 2021 Medieval a thon round 3 Gennaio sarà ricordato come il mese degli attacchi di panico perenni (non sto scherzando). Mi serviva qualcosa di tenero, ho avuto proprio l'urgenza di rileggere questo libro perchè sapevo che mi sarei sentita molto meglio dopo. Infatti è stato così 💚

Photo of Fay
5 stars
Jan 19, 2025
Photo of Julia
Julia @juliyor
4 stars
Sep 1, 2024