Winter Magic

This is a collection of short stories and I have given my reviews of each one below. A Night at the Frost Fair by Emma Carroll – 4/5 stars. This was actually very sweet, Emma Carroll always writes characters you can engage with almost instantly. The Magic of Midwinter by Amy Alward – 2.5/5 stars. I perhaps would have enjoyed this more had I read the series the characters in this are from. The Voice in the Snow by Michelle Harrison – 4/5 stars. Despite not having read the book these characters were from I found it wasn't as much of a hindrance as Michelle was able to engross me into everything very quickly and very deeply. The Cold-Hearted by Geraldine McCaughrean – 3/5 stars. Enjoyable but not overly memorable. Casse-Noisette by Katherine Woodfine – 3.5/5 stars. I really liked the almost historical aspect of this story and it was very sweet. Someone Like the Snow Queen by Berlie Doherty – 3.5/5 stars. Cute and sweet. The Room with the Mountain View by Lauren St John – 4.5/5 stars. Considering this is what I would call a contemporary middle grade I absolutely loved it. Characters were great and the story was fun. Snow by Michelle Magorian – 2/5 stars. Poetry is just not a thing for me I'm afraid. Into the Mountain by Jamila Gavin – 3.5/5 stars I liked the pied piper aspect of this story, it was cute and short. The Wishing Book by Piers Torday – 3/5 stars. This was okay, I just felt it needed a little more development and explanations. The Snow Dragon by Abi Elphinstone – 3/5 stars. I had read the picture book of this story and having read that this was a little too repetative for me. I love Abi and was hoping for something new from her.