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Marissa Meyer2015
The much-awaited series finale in the New York Times bestselling series that began with 'Cinder'. This is not the fairy tale you remember - but it's one you won't forget
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Photo of Anna
Anna @ann_omalia
5 stars
Jul 13, 2024

** spoiler alert ** já to miluju. fakt hrozně moc. tahle série mi rozhodně přirostla k srdci, a ráda na ní budu myslet. abych to dokázala nějak shrnout; winter jsem si oblíbila, stejně jako všechny ostatní hlavní postavy. všechny jsou svým způsobem originální a odlišné (u winter tedy doslova) a líbilo se mi sledovat to, jak se časem vyvíjí. hodně to bylo vidět u thorneho. zprvu to byl jen narcistický namyšlený voják, ale ke konci začal lidem okolo sebe ukazovat svoje opravdový pocity, například (a hlavně) strach a obavy. hlavně o cress. ach, strašně se mi líbil ten vztah mezi nimi. jak si ho cress idealizovala a chtěla s ním být i přesto, že zjistila, že takový, jaký si ho vysnila, ve skutečnosti není. a jak thorne začal přemýšlet o svých činech a snažil se kvůli cress změnit, i když mu to zprvu přišlo zbytečné. líbil se mi vztah mezi vlkem a scarlet, to pouto, které je k sobě vázalo takovou silou, hlavně asi kvůli vlkově biologické úpravě. jacin a winter byli perfektní slowburn, který stál za to. a samozřejmě cinder a kai. jejich vztah se vyvíjel celé čtyři knihy. miluju to. miluju ty postavy, miluju prostředí a nápady a to, že to jsou vlastně všechno retellingy, který na první pohled nemůžou fungovat, ale autorka to nějakým kouzlem dokáže. . jediné, co mě mrzí, je to, že jsem si nějak neuvědomila, že winter má být černoška. vůbec mi to nedošlo, ať už kvůli samotné obálce, nebo nedostatečnému popisu. ale to je jen maličkost. . 5*/5* miluju to, miluju a miluju!

Photo of Shannon C
Shannon C@shannonhaleyy
5 stars
Jul 5, 2024

Whew. This book was an amazing finale to one of my favorite series. Can't wait for [b:Stars Above|25689074|Stars Above (The Lunar Chronicles #0.5, 0.6, 1.5, 3.1, 3.6)|Marissa Meyer||45517469] novella in 2016!!!

Photo of Jeweliet Coffee
Jeweliet Coffee@jewelietcoffee
2.5 stars
Jun 23, 2024

I enjoyed the romance between all the couples, and especially the addition of Winter and Jason. The ending was also very satisfying.

I didn’t like how long it was. I think a lot of things could have been cut out, and it would have strengthened the other parts of the plot. The plot in general didn’t fully have a normal narrative arch which sometimes made it hard to follow.

I also thought the parts about the revolution were cheesy at times, and I think the plot was a little too similar to Mockingjay from The Hunger Games series.

Photo of Cardtak
5 stars
May 6, 2024


Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
5 stars
May 5, 2024

Can’t believe my fun with the Rampion Crew has officially come to an end! I personally felt a lot of emotions while reading this, with anticipation and dread at reaching the finish line. I didn’t even realize how quickly I devoured these books by since I started reading Cinder and I never thought I’d love found family more than ever, but here we are. I’m extremely happy that my new favorite characters got their own different versions of a happy ending, but it is a bittersweet feeling to say goodbye to them. For a book strongly inclined with politics, I surely can’t say I liked the finale for what the crew initially fought for, but I understand that it’s the best outcome for everyone. I love these guys so much! I’ll miss them and I truly felt I was on the Rampion with them being an escaped convict myself.

Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
4 stars
May 3, 2024

No final desta saga, descobrimos duas novas personagens: Winter e o seu amor nada secreto - Jacin! Eles são amigos e conhecem-se desde pequenos, mas ele torna-se o seu garda-costas o que impossibilita qualquer tipo de relação entre eles. A Winter é eneteada da Rainha má (Levana), e mesmo que a primeira tenha 3 enormes cicatrizes na sua cara, toda a gente na Luna acha que ela é a pessoa mais bela do Universo. Finalmente, todas as personagens reúnem-se na Luna para destruír o reinhado da Levana. A Cinder decide começar uma revolução Lunar, contando com o desespero das pessoas que odeiam a Levana. (Esta parte fez-me lembrar imenso os Jogos da Fome!). Fazendo uma revisão da saga toda, todos os livros foram ficando cada vez mais interessantes e mais inesperados. Cada personagem é tão diferente e tão única que deixa a desejar mais! Como já era de esperar, há cada vez mais intensidade na luta contra o mal e mais e mais referências da Cinderela, Capuchinho Vermelho, Rapunzel, e neste último de Branca de Neve. A história é cativante e viva, e tal como os outros todos livros cheia de ação, planos e aventura. Quem adorou tudo até agora, não pode deixar de ler este livro!

Photo of Christine
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

that was beautiful

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

*re-read 2018 Ok, WHOA. I AM SO HAPPY. I remember it taking me forever to read this book the first time around and I don’t know what happened THIS time, but I just could NOT get enough! I feel like I stated this in the previous books review but I loved this book even MORE during this read through. I didn’t have those moments of impatience that I’d had before; I was so completely captivated the entire time. This book felt perfectly paced and so action-packed and full of LOOOVE and I had somehow forgotten EVERYTHING and watching it all unfold again was strangely nostalgic and wonderful. I love this series, truly. I somehow picked up this series again at the perfect time. original review: l I can't believe it's over. The Lunar Chronicles series is officially over and it ended in the greatest way possible and my soul and heart are SO HAPPY. UGH. This book was everything I dreamed it could be. So much happened and she wrapped everything up so gracefully! And, my God, the OTP's. I love every single character and couple in this book. So much love is in this book and my HEART IS SMILING. YES. SO GOOD. I don't even know how to write a review for this book. It was phenomenal and great and basically perfect. In the beginning, I did have moments where I kept thinking, "This is taking forever." But there was so much that had to happen and I realize that now. She had so much plot to get thought and discuss and so many characters to follow. It's crazy to think of everything that happened in this book. SO MUCH HAPPENED. Marissa Meyer is a writing genius. I don't know what else to say besides the fact that this is one of my favorite series of all time and you must go read it. Like, right now.

Photo of Mel
Mel @melsbooknook
5 stars
Feb 3, 2024

Made me cry, laugh, blush and smile so many times! I love these characters so much and their journeys. I love the fact that Winter was black (I’m black) and that it was treated as a perfectly normal thing. You know? She’s not my favourite, I still love Scarlet/Cress/Cinder more than her. Also, Cress and Thorne are the cutest. It was just amazing.

Photo of tam 🕴️
tam 🕴️@tamara_dbouk
4.7 stars
Jan 26, 2024

So entertaining I loved it.

Photo of nina
nina @ninaisreading
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

4.5 stars I did it. I finished this 823 page whooper, the longest book I've ever read. What an accomplishment. It took me 2 years for me to get my hands on this book and I was definitely not disappointed. I am usually anxious about finales as they have the potential to absolutely destroy a series that you hold so dear. But let me tell you, this finale is fantastic! I am so grateful I picked up this series in 2015 and got to experience the world, the reimagined fairytale stories, and of course, the beauty, the amazingness that is the Rampion Crew.

Photo of Gianna Kristen
Gianna Kristen@pickledmangoes
5 stars
Jan 8, 2024


Photo of Yalin Tsikun
Yalin Tsikun@yalin_tsikun
5 stars
Dec 16, 2023

I don’t know what to do with my life now that I finished. I don’t have any words left in me.. READ THIS SERIES 😭🫶🏼✨

Photo of Sofia Spinnato
Sofia Spinnato @sofiaspin
5 stars
Aug 25, 2023

A perfect way to end the series

Photo of mahek
mahek @mahekf
5 stars
Aug 9, 2023

Really good end to a really good series. Usually, the final book tends to be rushed to somehow finish the story, but this one, albeit long, was tied up pretty nicely. I absolutely love the Scarlet/Wolf and Cress/Thorne parts, they are arguably my favourite parts of the series.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
4 stars
Jul 31, 2023

** spoiler alert ** I finished a series in 2020. This feels absolutely bonkers and crazy for me, as I've been slowly tackling my way through many series for years and never managed to make it to the end to. So yes, I had a wee bit of a happy dance once I finished this massive book. It only clocks in at over 800 pages, so it was a little long. This book was packed tight with action, romance and conclusions. And honestly, it was a bit too long. I started to lose interest about halfway through even though I knew most of the plot devices that were happening were one hundred percent needed to tie up a lot of loose ends. I sort of wish this had been five books instead of four, solely because this book just seemed like too much (but that's my personal opinion). Plot wise: We meet Winter, a Princess of Luna. Queen Levana does not like her, because she doesn't really like anymore to be honest. Winter is an absolute beauty (because I'm pretty sure she's Snow White, so she's the fairest of them all) but she's a little bit insane. She sees things that aren't there because she won't use her manipulation powers. To top it off, Winter has a guard named Jacin (the Huntsman, obviously) that she's got the hots for, but there's some drama there too. He's Levana's guard, so things are gonna get messy. Meanwhile, Cinder, Kai, Scarlett, Wolf, Cress, Thorne, Iko and friends are all trying to get to Luna to stop Queen Levana and her wicked path. There's many side stories involving this bunch since they have been split up, but they all are working towards their end goal. Marissa Meyer has shown me that she is just a magical author being from another universe with her miraculous plots and incredible writing skills. I honestly can't believe how she got so many people trapped in this universe and unable to get out. I was personally addicted to the last three books! It's just insane. Buuuut, due to my own life experience right now (full of stress and anxiety from school, COVID-19, home, etc., etc.), I just didn't enjoy this book as much as the others. I can totally appreciate this book though, because it is super good! It's unfortunate, but I needed a book I knew would be good to try to get out of my funk. The best part of this book was the absolutely fricking wild climax to the story. It's big, bombastic, and full of absolute chaos. Be ready to have your heart strings pull as the story pulls you in so many different directions. I could barely believe what I was reading half the time - Marissa's got some real skill. My biggest negative was listed above: the length. It's crazy long, there's a lot going on and sometimes it was hard to follow. You need a really good attention span to keep this book going. Also, the pages of this book were SUPER thin for the soft cover. That drives me crazy. Positives: Snow White is a WOC (that could be seen as bad because she is literally the crazy character, but she also kicks some butt... so you win some, you lose some?), Thorne and Cress are adorbs, Scarlett is awesome, Cinder's always cool. I would love to see this book series as a television series, but I don't think they could do it justice. Either way, can we at least get some good fan art or photography of the scenes in this book? I think it'd be super cute. Overall, this book was a nice ride and I'm happy I got the chance to finish this series! Keep up the great work Marissa! Four out of five stars.

Photo of Emily Klo
Emily Klo@emilyklo
4.5 stars
Jul 13, 2023

That was longggg

Photo of Teodora Nagy
Teodora Nagy@leny_born_from_starlight
4 stars
Jul 8, 2023

4.5/5 I just couldn't stop. It was so good. The ending was satisfying. Winter was such a good character. But I hate Levana and I am not sure that I will read Fairest.

Photo of Savannah
4.5 stars
Jun 20, 2023

I’m so glad I revisited this this one was pretty long and def could’ve been 200-300 pages shorter lmaoo and definitely very ya but I really enjoyed it

Photo of karalea
3 stars
Jun 19, 2023

this was an okay-to-good-ish read i think. most of the time i was thinking why is this so goddamn long??? literally couldve ended way earlier imo; the plot circled around a bit too much for my liking so i had to drag myself through the second half. the ending was as expected i guess but i sort of wished with that many pages there couldve been more development in terms of the relationships/friendships between the main characters.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

In 2013, I read a book called Cinder. Though I thought it was rather predictable, I did enjoy it very much, and decided to pick up Scarlet as well. Then I waited for Cress, which I loved most of the three, and Fairest. And then, finally I got my hands on Winter. The last book in the series (though there is still a novella bind-up coming next year), the last book about Cinder and Kai, Scarlet and Wolf, Cress and Thorne, Winter and Jacin. Also the biggest book in the series, with 827 pages, my edition of Winter is about the same size as Scarlet and Cress combined. And oh my stars, I loved it so much! I was honestly afraid of starting this book, because I didn't want anything bad happening to my favourite characters. Because after a couple of years of going to this story I had fallen in love with most of the characters. But I also wanted to find out what was going to happen, so I immediately jumped into the book. We'd gotten the first three chapters already and I'd already read them (even though I told myself I wouldn't) so it was a bit boring to get through those chapters. But then the rest of the story started and oh my stars, it was amazing. Just the gang trying to get to Luna, hiding on an earthen ship and escaping from that space dock. Then they had to travel through Luna to a place where they may or may not find an ally, and then the revolution had to be started. Meanwhile, Kai was trying to do his best to not marry Levana and make her empress of his country. I just felt so bad for him throughout this whole book, because while the rest of the gang had a lot of trouble themselves, he had to deal with Levana firsthand. My favourite characters overall have to be Cress and Thorne, and Iko. I love all the others as well, but these three are just my absolute favourites. I love Iko's humour, and I love Cress and Thorne's relationship. I think they are my favourite couple of this entire series, and I may have shed some tears when things happened to them. I just wanted them to be happy (with each other) and ugh... We were also properly introduced to Jacin and Winter in this book. We'd seen them both before - Jacin was already there in the first book and had a bigger role in the third one, and Winter had a couple of mentions and an appearance in Cress. But this book was about her, or well - yeah one of the storylines was about her, because there were several happening at the same time. I really liked Winter, though I was a tiny bit annoyed at her sometimes, just like Scarlet was. But their friendship was really nice, if a bit forced maybe. And I am not sure what to think about the Winter/Jacin ship, but they are nice for each other, and I do like seeing them together. Honesty time: I thought the book was too long, too big. Yes, I loved the majority of it. Yes, I didn't want the series to end. Yes, I may have cheered when I found out the book was going to be more than 800 pages long; but now, after reading it I have to admit I wouldn't have minded there being a fifth book. I wouldn't have minded if Winter ended somewhere in the middle of this book, honestly. (view spoiler)[For example around that point where Winter was tricked by Levana into eating a Letumosis-infected candy apple. Or around the time where Jacin found out about this, you know - I don't remember in which part of the book it happened, maybe it happened much further in the book, but it would have been a nice way of ending the book I guess? (hide spoiler)] Other than that, I really enjoyed this book. I still love Meyer's writing as much as I did with the previous books, I still loved her characters, her world. I loved the little nods to the original fairytales her characters were based on; ugh I just love the Lunar Chronicles so much and I don't want it to end! This is why I can't wait for Stars Above to be released, even though I've already read the majority of the stories that are going to be in there. I want to read more Meyer, I want to read more about these amazing characters, and I want to read more and more and more! Overall, Winter was an amazing book, not the best in the series - that award still goes to Cress - but it was good, if a little too long. I definitely recommend this series to people who love fairytale retellings and science fiction! My opinion on this book in one gif:

Photo of alexandra
4 stars
May 14, 2023

THIS IS SUCH A GOOD FINISH TO THE SERIES MY EMOTIONS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE okay, SO, 600 pages into the book (hah) i thought i wouldn't be completely satisfied with the finish but I WAS SO WRONG. i thought the ending would be tooooo good to be true (echm like HOO series ending :///) but it was perfect (but not look TOO perfect, you know?) everything came to a full circle and felt complete. my thoughts are a jumble and the only thing i'm sure of is: THIS SERIES IS FANTASTIC. GO READ IT. (full review + discussion to come)

Photo of Julia
5 stars
May 9, 2023

I DID IT YOU GUYS. I FINALLY FINISHED THE BEAUTIFUL 800 PAGE MONSTROSITY THAT IS WINTER. Aaaahh I love his series a lot. I'm so attached to the characters and I love everything about it.

Photo of Courtney
4 stars
Apr 28, 2023

Finally got this back from the library to finish and it was totally worth it! There was so much action that lead up to such a great conclusion to this treasured series! I will say that there were a couple scenes that felt were longer than I would have personally liked, and I really wanted to see longer scenes of Winter and Jacin, but overall 4 stars for lots of suspense, action, peril, character development, and an amazing ending! Full in depth review coming soon to!


Photo of taci

Ela não tinha lembranças dessa mulher, Só tinha ouvido boatos; eram histórias horríveis que diziam que a rainha Channary era ainda mais cruel do que Levana, embora o seu reinado tivesse sido curto. - A minha própria doce irmā-ronronou Levana,-Queres saber como aconteceu?

Page 549

no wayyyy

Photo of taci

Não sabes?- perguntou Levana. -Eu deveria?

-Criança burra.-Uma mecha de cabelo caiu no rosto de Levana.- Porque foi a tua mãe.

Page 548


Photo of taci

-Tenta lembrar te que eles podem alterar a aparência como quiserem- disse Cress. - Ninguém neste palácio é tão bonito quanto tu pensas. É só controlo mental. Thorne sorriu e apertou a contra o corpo. -Tenho certeza de que há pelo menos uma exceção a essa regra.

Page 440


Photo of taci

O seu olhar tinha algo de ousado quando ela pegou o bombom com os dedos. - Mas só se você comer o outro. Seria unma grande honra dividir este premio com Vossa Alteza, a linda princesa Winter em pessoa. - Você é muito gentil. - Winter pegou o segundo bombom da caixa.

Page 397

a banca de neve ainda não aprendeu😬

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