Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 4 TWISTED PATHS

This was the first time a whole volume felt fully cohesive in its story. From beginning to end, it felt like one story instead of 2-3, which I appreciate. It was also quite dark and fascinating, gave me chills at times.

this reactivated my PTSD from full metal alchemist; brotherhood.

Every volume continues to be better than the last.

The way each of the girls is given their own growing pains but the way they will get through this together chef's kiss What "Witch Hat Atelier" does very well is allow the characters to help and support each other but it does not forget to emphasise that the change in mindset needs to come from within; we have to do our growing ourselves but this does not diminish the importance of love and compassion.

Euini is kind of annoying, but he's not so bad. Not as much Coco this time around, but it's still pretty fun, since the worldbuilding is so good. Really interested in seeing what the brim hats are after. Edit: Had to reread it because I forgot a lot of it. I'm liking all the details and the different characters. It's cool how unique each of the characters are

J'ai adoré ce tome un peu plus "sombre", avec la complexité de certains personnages qui apparaît ! Heureusement que j'ai le tome 5 sous le coude 😍